Chapter 14

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Valentina's POV

       "Can I take the blindfold off now?"


I waited a few seconds before asking again. "How about now?"

"Still no." I sighed as I lay back in the car seat. I was counting every turn and every bump, practically making a map in my head anyway. Feeling the vehicle come to a stop, I rose up.

I opened my mouth to ask if I could take it off again, but he interrupted me. "Yes, you can take it off," he chuckled.

"Finally," I breath out jovially. My dull eyes blinked as they tried to adjust to the soft evening rays of the sun as it shone through the glass and unto my face.

We were parked at the beginning of a small, but thick clump of tall trees. "If you decide to murder me or something, remember I'll kick your ass," I threatened in a somewhat playful manner, but still with an underlying seriousness.

The sound of the car doors closing echoed as we shut them, causing the nearby birds to flutter away. "Although I don't want to murder you, I do want to murder something on you," he said, winking suggestively.

"Stop it you freak," I shoved his shoulder, chucking under my breath. "Fine. Come on," he replied, pulling me by my arm and dragging me behind him.

In a short walk of about ten minutes, we walked closer to what was an open area and I could hear the sound of falling water growing nearer.

I stepped out from between the trees to see a beautiful open area, luscious lumps of green grass scattered across. An array of blue, pink and yellow flowers dotted on each. I was even too shocked to say anything.

"Amazing right?" he spoke softly, breaking my trance. I nodded, agreeing. I took a deep breath in, soaking all Mother Nature and all she had to offer.

He trotted to the edge what looked like a cliff. A cliff with gushing water. "I come here when I'm tired of being around people, or situations I want to avoid."

"I get you. When I'm tired of people and their bullshit I usually just--"
Help my father torture people? Shit, can't exactly say that.

"--chill with Nolani," I ended, watching as his back muscles clenched, printing through the thin shirt he wore. My words were lodged in my throat as his metallic silver eyes captured mine. Damn, God spent a little extra time on this one.

Him suddenly removing his clothes furthered my attention. "Not that I mind or anything, but why are you removing your clothes?"

By the time I finished my sentence he was down to only his skin-tight Calvin Klein's. "Watch, baby," he said, then proceeded to edge to the end, hands spread wide open. Then with a wink, he dived down backwards.

What in the Caucasian?

A loud 'splash' sound meet my ears. Slightly frightened but still thinking logically, I went as close to the edge as I could. Which wasn't far, really. "Giovanni," I tried to shout above the sound if the water, "are you okay?"

"Yes. And don't be a chicken, jump," his voice shouted right back. I'd rather not, being a chicken is fine with me.

Looking around for an alternative, a safe one at that, my eyes saw a small path leading downwards. Following my instincts, I took a last look behind me before my feet lead me towards the path that I assumed will bring me to the bottom.

And I assumed right, I thought as I reached the bottom. "Giovanni, where the hell are you?" I shouted, moving a branch from before me.

A faint 'over here' echoed from my right, so I followed it. He stood there, waist-deep in a pool of clear, glistening water, his back in my direction. "Will you join me?" he said, turning to acknowledge me properly.

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