Chapter 9

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Valentina's POV

             "Chris Hemsworth or Jason Momoa? I wouldn't mind them Effiel towering me," Nolani said, putting in a movie we've watch a million times before.

I ran my hand through my hair, or tried to at least. "Not important right now, I need to tell you something."

Not giving me time to elaborate, she spoke. "Um, you have gonorrhea. It's okay girl, they got something for that shit-"

I cut her of, a bit annoyed. "Lani, this is serious." Sighing, she sat up, looking at me. "Okay, what is it?"

"There is this student I teach, his name is Giovanni," I started off. She gestured for me to continue, her hazel eyes filled with curiosity.  "He is fucking sexy, and those lips-" I stopped, remembering where those delicious lips were just hours before. My pussy tingled at the thought.

"Oo, you like him don't you?" she teased, nudging me playfully. I groaned, falling back onto the pillow. "Correction, it's just lust." I hope. "And he's my fucking student, so nothing more will happen."

She perked up immediately. "Nothing more? So something happened before? Spill bitch."
I threw my hand over my eyes, muttering, "He may or may not have fingered me and eaten me out."

Standing, no, jumping on the bed she excitedly clapped her hands. "That's the shit I'm talking 'bout, was he good? Sounds like it was."

I closed my eyes tightly, remembering it for the fiftieth time since it happened. "Good? He was fucking great. But nothing's going to happen again."

She stopped jumping, promptly sitting down and pulling me up. "Why the fuck not?"

"Because, Nolani. He's my student, and I'm his teacher. A relationship like that is forbidden, and I really don't want to lose my job."

"I'm still not seeing a problem here. You guys are both consenting adults, and you're fucking smart. You can get another job elsewhere, or ask your father to pull a few strings."

"I worked my ass off for that job, and I'm already attached to the school so no. And I most definitely won't be asking my father for any help," I said with attitude, remembering how he was the other day.

She sighed, "Fine, whatever you say. But since you won't fuck him, tell me about his sexy ass."

I smile bloomed unto my face. "He has the deepest of grey eyes, and his ass. Don't even get me started on that."

An squeal left her mouth. "I can't wait to meet him. I bet he's tall too." I rose my eyebrow in her direction. "You won't get to meet him, I know how you are."

Smiling cheekily, she replied, "I won't do anything, promise." I scoffed, not believing a word she said. My eyes caught the time on the clock placed on my wall. 7:25 pm. It's almost time.

"Lani, you good with staying here by yourself? I've got somewhere I  have to go," I said, getting up.

"Yeah, I'm good. Where are you going?" she asked, eyes locked on a shirtless, wet Jason Momoa on the huge screen. I, for one, don't blame her one bit.

"Can't say, but I don't think I'll be long. Please don't get angry and smash my television, again. It's not cheap," I glared, recalling when she punched a hole through my TV because the main character died.

She rolled her eyes, laughing. "I said sorry, and replaced it. Wherever the fuck you're going, be safe." I smiled, walking towards the door.

"I will."


Stuffing the pink bear I had bought earlier inside my  black jacket, I pulled out my phone. Before taking the risk of coming back to visit Luciano, I asked a favour from a friend.

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