Chapter 6

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Valentina's POV

   Dressed in all black with my gun holster secured at my waist, I put my hair in a bun to prevent it from falling into my face.

"Scusa per il breve preavviso, tesoro," my father said, handing my knife over to me, which I placed in between my thighs.
(Sorry for the short notice, honey.)

"It's okay, what do you want?"

He and Gabe stared at each other, and then back at me. "We're going to steal back the container from the DeLuca's." I looked at him, disbelief printed on my face. "Are you being serious, father? You know how dangerous that is."

He remained silent, so I turned to Gabe. "Gabe, tell him." Gabe cast his eyes downwards, he was never one to disobey him. I scoffed, "We don't even need it anyways, your ego just can't take that the DeLuca's stole something from you."

"This isn't up for discussion Valentina, you are going. Now grab your things and let's go," he angrily stated, walking away. My father strongly believed in the concept 'blood is thicker than water', even if his 'blood' has proved him wrong before.

Biting my tongue, I fixed the small barely visible device in my ear and walked to the van.


"Are you ready?" Gabe asked. I rolled my eyes and pulled the mask over my face, taking the gun from out its holster. "They have the container somewhere at the left side of the compound, don't get yourself killed. And shoot to injure, not kill," I spoke through the device.

"But boss said-" one of the men tried to speak. 

"I don't give a fuck what boss said, I said do not shoot to kill," I cut him off angrily, then slid into the shadows. Knowing my father he told them to kill everyone in sight. A load of unnecessary death.

"Val, turn left and you'll see an iron door, but it'll be guarded by two men," Gabe's voice came in through my earpiece.

"Not a problem."

Creeping up behind a burly looking guard, I slammed my gun to the back of his head, knocking him out. The other guard spun around, surprised.

He ran, trying to ram into me but I quickly moved to the side, missing him. "Listen, buddy, I don't want to hurt you."

He took his gun out, aiming it at me. "Okay, I do want to hurt you," I said before kicking the gun out of his hands and wrapping my legs around his neck, and not in a good way either. I waited until I felt him stop moving before getting back up. "Gabe, what else?"

"The metal door they were guarding, open it. The code's 2357, and hurry." I stopped what I was doing, "What are we really here for? And don't fucking lie to me." A deep sigh was heard. "A box, I don't know what it's for or what's in it; but Father was pretty fucking persistent about us getting it, now please hurry."

Quickly putting in the code, I silently pushed the door open and stepped in. Almost immediately I could tell that I wasn't the only one in the room. Pulling my mask up farther, my eyes scanned the barely lit room looking for a light switch.

Hearing movements, I wiped around just in time to see a knife past my ears. Rolling, I glared at the person and took out my gun. Aiming at his shoulder, assuming it was a man, I shot. Well, tried to, looks like I have competition. 

Not wanting to accidentally shot my own self, I placed the gun back in its holster and pulled on the knife from between my thighs. Sizing him up, I hurled myself in his direction. He, as expected, tried to dodge.

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