Chapter 23

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Valentina's POV

"Fuck," I hissed as Henry wrapped the bandage around my thigh tightly, squeezing it so that the blood flow could be stopped. After Angelo had left he removed my restraints and the knife, but tended to the wound it left despite his boss' order. Biting down on my lip to lessen the pain, I asked him why he was helping when he was clearly told not to. 

"I don't agree with Angelo's way to handle situations, especially if involve hurting women in any way," he said quietly, still working on the wound. I hummed in appreciation when he was finished, then thank him. 

After throwing on the oversized shirt he had gotten me, I turned to him before hesitantly asking, "Do know where Giovani is? What's going to happen to him?"

"One of the other men...subdued him, and locked him in a room in the east wing."

My emotions were all over the place. I wasn't sure whether to feel angry about him or sympathetic and understand what he had to do. Henry cut off my train of thoughts with his next words.

"I'm sorry miss, but I'll have to restrain you again, or Angelo will be livid. I'll tie it lightly though, so one pull on the right string and everything will come loose," he commented, gestures for me to stretch out my arms. 

Complying, I did as he said. "Thank you, Henry. I really appreciate it." 

Minutes passed before we walked, or he walked and I limped, down a dimly hit hall and into an office. Inching closer, I could hear both my father's and Angelo's voice arguing. Henry pushed open the door and told me to enter first. And as I did, everyone in the room looked over at me. 

Angelo narrowed his eyes at Henry, seeing he had done quite the opposite, but Henry adverted his. My father, Antonio, and Gabe sat in chairs opposite from Angelo. The rest of the room was filled with unrecognizable faces, who I assumed were Angelo's men. 

"Great, she's here," Angelo clapped his hands twice, signalling Henry to put me in a chair. 

"I thought you said she wasn't hurt," Gabe raised his voice, stealing glances at the wound. 

"And I lied, let's now down to business. To be frank, I want what you have, Russo," he spoke, addressing my father cooly, the air between the two men riddled with some century long hatred. 

"And what's that?"

Angelo leaned back in his chair, a smirk staining his face. "I want your empire. You have certain...connections that I don't, alliances. A reputation that, unfortunately, precedes mine."

My father was quiet for a moment, sharing a hard look with Gabe. "The answer is no. I've worked so hard just to give it up? No."

Angelo chuckled, turning his eyes to me, "Then I assume you don't want your daughter alive then." 

"You wouldn't fucking dare--"

"Oh, but I would. The clock's ticking, Russo, and I would hurry."

My father looked at me, and then to Angelo, the stoic expression not leaving his face. "No, hard pass." And if pissed was a person, it would be Angelo. I didn't even process my father's answer properly before I saw, or heard rather, shots being fired. An array of men suddenly came into the room. 

I recognized some of the faces; Uncle Gary, Konstantin and Mikhail. I guess that alliance came in handy after all. A head of blonde-brown hair whizzed past, knocking me over in the process. A string of curse words left my mouth but stopped as soon as I saw who it was, and why. 

Aziel. Aziel on top of me with blood dripping from his arm. "Fuck! Why'd you do that?"

"Your brother would have my head on a spike otherwise," he chuckled, then hissed in pain, "and on that note, we have ten minutes to get out of here." He saw my hesitance. I didn't want to leave my brother behind. 

"He'll be fine, Valentina. They have this under control but we have to leave now," he pleaded, sweat dripping from his face. I glanced at Gabe, who looked like he was handling himself quite well. I guess he'll hold his own. I nodded, and Azeil carefully led me out of the fight. 

Feeling lightheaded, I looked down at my injured thigh and saw blood seeping through the poorly tied bandage. Azeil seemed to notice it too. "Hold on, Valentina."

And I tried to, I did. But I couldn't control the black spots that danced before my eyes, therefore blacking out completely. 


I did not intend for this book to be this long😭.

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