Chapter 5

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Valentina's POV

         Why did I have to agree with Nolani? I wasn't even at the date as yet and I was already annoyed. A ding from my phone made me look down at it, taking my eyes off the road for a second.

'Message from Nolani'
Opening it, I saw an attachment along with the message.

'This is his full name, date of birth, background check, social security number, past exes, you know, the usual stuff.'

I laughed as I texted her back, telling her what a crazy bitch she was.

'I ain't finna let my bitch go out with some ex-murderer or something, love you hoe.'

I chuckled, damn I love her crazy ass. Stepping out of the car I hoped that he was an awful douche so I can have an excuse to leave. I gave my keys to valet with a glare.

"If you even scratch it, will tear your balls off and replace it with your eyes, clear?"

Frightened by my aggressiveness, he nodded quickly, stepping out of my way. I worked hard and paid for my baby all by myself, so I was pretty protective. A grand chandelier was the first thing I saw when I stepped in. Who puts a chandelier in a reception room?

"Hi, I'm Amy. Welcome to Callihan's, how may I help you?"

Turning my attention to the source of the voice, I saw a short little thing behind the counter, with a wide smile on her face.

Returning her smile, I spoke to her. "Hi, I'm here under the reservation Alston," I spoke, remembering the name. "Sure ma'am, come right this way." Following behind her I walked into the area and suddenly felt a bit underdressed. I knew I looked good but these people were wearing expensive ass dresses and shit.

I was lead to a private table, one away from the crowd. The receptionist, Amy, smiled, "Have a good night."

Sitting down I finally looked at my date and had to hold in an 'aww'. He was so cute, in a handsome way. His fingers brushed his red hair out of his face, forest green eyes scanned my body as his pink lips fell open.

"Wow, hi. I'm beautiful, your Dominick," he nervously said. I looked at him strangely, trying to understand what he said. His eyes widened, realizing his mistake.

"Um, sorry. What I meant to say was I'm Dominick, your beautiful," he said, the redness in his cheeks blooming by the second.

I laughed, greeting him back. "Hi Dominik, I'm Valentina. And thank you." Shit, this was going to be hard. Why couldn't he have been an asshole?

"So what do you do?" he asked, sipping the champagne that was on the table. Leaning forward and placing my elbows on the table, I replied, "I sell pussy and suck a lil dick on the side."

The spit take that he did had me soaking. He looked taken back, "I'm so sorry. It's just that your profession.... frightened me."

I laughed, telling him it was okay. Taking a napkin I wiped myself off, staying clear of my makeup.
"Well I'm a lawyer," he said nervously.

"Oh, that's nice. Why did you come on this date?" I asked, curious to hear his answer. He sighed, placing his glass on the table.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked, fiddling with the napkin. Concerned for some reason, I placed my hand over his. What the fuck are you doing, Val? You're supposed to be mean.

"Sure, go ahead."

He began ripping the napkin apart and looked up at me. "I'm gay." I raised my eyebrows and he flinched, ready for some type of backlash.

"Really? Do you want a boyfriend cause I can hook you up," I said, taking my phone out if my purse.

"Uh, no thank you. I've got my eyes on someone else. And why aren't you reacting... differently?"

"One, I mess around with girls sometimes and two, people are fucking dumb. Why would you judge someone because of their sexual preferences?" I replied, rolling my eyes.

He sighed heavily, visibility relaxing. "Good, my parents do that."

"Fuck your parents, well not literally of course. And I'm assuming you've got your eyes on that cute waiter?" I assumed, seeing how he was looking at him.

Blushing, he stuttered. "Uh, n-no. Of course not, I was just looking at his, umm, apron."

I laughed, covering my mouth. "Yeah, the apron covering his dick. I'm going to call him over."

His eyes widened, and he covered mouth from across the table. Sticking my tongue out, I licked his palm. His hand flew off immediately. Wiping it off he questioned, "Did you just lick my hand?"

I winked at him. "That's not the only thing I wanna lick. Anyways, waiter, over here please," I called out.

"Valentina! Don't call him over here," he pleaded.

Sighing, I got up. "Fine, I'll go to him." Running away before he could protest, I went over to the waiter, pulling him to one side.

"Hey cutie," I smiled. He looked from side to side, trying to figure out if I was talking to him. "Me?" he asked.

"Yes you, can I get your number?"

He pulled on this collar, "Um, sorry. I like men."

"It's not for me silly. You see that guy over there," I pointed at Dominick who was covering his face with his hand, "he wants it. He's just a bit shy."

His eyes scanned Dominick from top to bottom, and then quickly turned to me, writing down his number. "Good, now just your cute little ass over there."

"But I have work-"

"Dominik'll deal with that, now go. And tell him I said bye," I shooed him away. Waving at Dominick from across the room, I walk out off the restaurant and collected my keys from the valet.

My phone vibrated, indicating that my phone was ringing. 'Incoming call from Bro'

"Si, fratello?"
(Yes, brother)

"We need your help tonight. Meet us at the safe house," his gruff voice spoke through the phone, and then hung up. Rude.

I guess I'll have to masturbate myself to oblivion with the thought of such person another day then. Sighing, I spun around and drove to the safe house.

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