Chapter 19

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Valentina's POV


That's what I was. The little bitch wouldn't stop flirting with him. Her annoying little laugh echoed in my ear as she brushed his shoulder. "Ms Prendergast, is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

"No, I was just telling Gio about my summer house my parents just bought. The one I'm hoping he'd take up my offer on," her thin eyebrow raised over at him.

He looked at her, and then at me. "Well, I--"

"As much as we'd like to hear about your summer house," I said, my smile as fake as hers, "we do have more important matters to attend to."

I faced the class. "Like those exam papers I issued last week." An anxious murmur fell over the crowd of students, their eyes darting amongst each other.

"There are forty-seven of you in this classroom, and when I decided to teach this class I made it clear that I want nothing below eighty." My arm switched from the position of entanglement behind my back to scooping up the papers on my desk.

"Only three students got above the pass mark," my heels feet travelled through the chairs, "Stevens." I handed him his paper, an eighty-nine stamped on the front.

"Ollie," I said, handing him his, wanting to slap the scowl of his face that always seemed to be there. He had gotten ninety-six, and I wasn't surprised. Despite his obvious behavioural issues, he was an intelligent person, and had something to depend on if football didn't work out for him.

Not that I cared.

"And Giovanni, scoring the highest," I gave him a curt nod as I headed back to my seat, and no, I wasn't being biased. Whether we were together or not, I took my job seriously. He sincerely deserved it, the way he expressed himself through words was impeccable.

"As for the rest of you, good attempt. But I do want a better grade next time, understood?" My stern voice registered over their faces, an organized 'yes ma'am' filling the room.

"Good. At the end of the class, collect your papers at my desk."


"Um, teacher lady? Why did I get twenty-five percent?"

Teacher lady?

I dismissed it either way, I have enough of a headache already. "Well, Ms Prendergast you did not do three quarters of the paper. The only thing you did was write your name and filled out the first page."

My comment probably went through one ear and out through the other, seeing that she was busy in the small mirror before her applying lipstick. "Can't I redo it? I didn't notice."

My stare bore through her forehead as I wondered if it was a joke or not. Clasping my hands, I spoke, my annoyance slowing seeping into my words. "So you're saying that you didn't notice three pages of questions?"

Deciding that she looked good enough, she put the items into her purse, rubbing her lips together. "Yeah, sorry. I tend not to notice things that aren't me," she replied condescendingly, the smug tone she held testing the last of my patience.

Deep breaths. In and out.

"That is unfortunate then. There will be no redo of that test."
She gasped, folding her skinny stick-like arms over what I wish was an equally skinny chest. "But that's not fair--"

"My thoughts are final. And I have neither the crayons or the patience to continue this conversation. Please leave." My voice was flat with a lack of emotions, and I paid no mind to her as she spun around on her Jimmy Choo's and huffed away.

"What do you need, Giovanni?" I asked openly, my eyes not leaving the paper. He slid out from the slightly dark corner of the room, closing the door on his way over to me.

"Would you like me to show you instead?" he purred, snatching the pen from my hand before trotting behind me. My hair which I recently cut to my shoulder was moved to the side, its straight strands grazing my neck. "Your hair looks great, by the way."

"You noticed? Thank you," I sighed, the gentle kiss he placed on the crook of my neck coxing me into his slow seduction.

"I notice everything about you. From the cute little beauty spot over your eye," he paused, "to the harsh glares me and the new girl received today."

"Well maybe if you'd pay attention and stop talking to her--"

"She was talking to me," he retorted lazily, spinning my chair on its wheels so I faced his direction, "and I didn't want to be rude and tell her to shut up."

"I don't care, be rude. That top-heavy bitch can choke on a big dick. Not yours though, that's my job," I huffed slightly, my forehead screwed up. His light chuckle caused me to look up.

"What's so funny?"

He bit his lip, his eyes on locked onto my face. "You're cute when you're jealous. But you do know you have no reason to be, right?"

I stared at him blankly, hoping the expression on my face giving away the the way I felt. "A cute big tit girl is flirting with you and I shouldn't be jealous?"

Quicker than I'd like, he switched our positions. His hands squeezed my waist ever so gently, like he was afraid of me breaking. "I like you, not her. Let's not forget that, yeah?"

"So you won't be going over to her summer house?" I asked, my hair playing with the soft hair at the back of his head. His index finger slowly climbed up my thigh, sliding between my thighs.

"Most definitely not. Where I will be going though, is on a date with you. That is, if you want to."
The uncertainty in his voice was a replica of the look on his face. Did he think I was going to say no?

"I don't know," I teased, my thumb brushing the soft exterior of his pink lips, "I might need a little convincing."

A playful smile hung from his lips. "Well that, I can manage."

To cut it short, neither of us ended up in our classes.

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