Chapter 25

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Giovanni's POV 

It had been a week since I last saw her, since I last spoke to her. It was fucking horrible. Sleep was something I barely got, hell, I even lost weight.

The guilt of how I had treated her on our last encounter pressured me constantly. I never wanted to hurt her, but I did, I didn't have a choice.

My father had threatened to hurt my grandmother and Lucy, and I had just met Valentina; giving up everything for her was not an option.

Until I started to really like her, gotten to know her. Until I realized how much my feelings had grown.

Until I realized I loved her.

And she told me that she loved me that night, and it hurt so much not being able to tell her back. The sound of honking behind me pulled me out my pitiful trance, reminding me I was in driving.

Shaking my head, I got a move on. It took less than ten minutes for me to reach, parking in the packed area. I pulled the black hat tighter over my head before walking into the diner.

I spotted the person I was meeting, his brown-blonde hair hidden under his beanie. Sliding into the booth across from him, I watch as he slid a steaming cup of coffee towards me. We were friends from elementary school, he knew me like the back of his hand and vice versa. But our jobs didn't allow us to be as close in public, but we were still close.

"Gio, you look like shit."

I chuckled, much used to his blunt comments. "Gee, thanks a lot."

"You need to take care of yourself, seriously. She wouldn't want to see you like this."

I scoffed, watching the steam from the cup swirl into the air, "I'm probably not her favourite person right now."

He paused, in the middle of ripping up the napkin, "You're not wrong, and I don't blame her."

"Neither do I, but how is she doing?"

He sighed before glancing over at me. "She's a strong woman, so yeah. And Lucy is doing okay as well, great actually."

I nodded, contended with both answers. "Zee, do you think she'll forgive me? I know I fucked up but I--I can't imagine the rest of my life without her."

Aziel brought his cup of coffee to his lips, sipping before addressing my question. "I don't know, Gio. She's the type of person to hold grudges, but she loves you," he paused, "where are you staying, by the way?"

"Your boss kinda burnt my house down, so I'm staying with my grandmother for the time being."

"Good. I have to go now but I'd advice that you stay on the down low for a bit."


I pulled the hat further down my face as I watched her. Aziel had told me to not approach her for a while, I did not plan it, though it was tempting. The blue jacket she had on hung off of her, due to it being a big size. A way bigger size, my size to be precise. I remember when we had slept over at her house, well Nolani's house, and I left it there.

God, I missed her. I wished I hadn't fucked up so badly. We were at the park, well she was, and I followed her here. I stood at a far distance so that she couldn't see me. This is kind of weird though, I thought internally.

"Maybe it is," I sighed, turning around to leave. Until I saw a person with a black hoodie on approach her from behind. She could handle herself quite well, I was sure, but I wanted to make sure she was okay. 

The person who I was assuming a man based on his build, stood behind her quietly. Suspicious, I thought. I started to walk towards them, when he suddenly brought his hands to her face, pressing something onto it. Without waiting, he lifted her over his shoulder and ran towards a car parked nearby that I didn't even see.

My feet took off the moment it happened, but because of the distance I wasn't able to catch him, making him drive away before I could reach.

Breathing heavily, I rested my arms on my knees. Luckily, could pick out the license plate number, memorizing it. Getting Aziel on the phone, I told him what happened and the plate number; asking if he could identify who it was.

My eyes widened and I nearly dropped my phone when I heard the name.

What the fuck? How the fuck?


Yes, I know I haven't updated in forever😭. And apologize sincerely, I know how it feels when an author doesn't update a book that I like. But I haven't had any motivation to do literally anything at all, and m~y mental health isn't where I want it to be. Plus I have exams soon (next week🙄) so I have to study. Sorry for the short chapter and thank you to the people that are still here. I'll try to update as much as I can❤.

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