Chapter 12

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Valentina's POV

A variety of outfits were hung up, but I decided to go with a simple white dress that stopped at my mid-thigh and my shoulders uncovered. Dabbing my lips with some lip balm, I gave myself a once-over and walked downstairs.

He stood there calm and collected, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. His silvery orbs following my movements with every step I took. "You look ravishing," he acclaimed, feverous eyes stopping at the cleavage that could be seen from the tops of my breasts.

"Thank you," I smiled, accepting his outstretched awaiting hand. "So, where are we going?" I asked, curious about what we would do next. "Well, you mentioned how much you loved seafood," he voiced as we advanced towards wide gazebo decorated with fairy lights, "I had the chefs prepare various meals for you."

Intrigued, I sat down on the other side of the table, looking at the covered dishes before me. As my hand reached out and lifted a cover, almost instantly an amazing aroma attacked my nostrils.

Sensing the smell, my tummy grumbled on queue. "I could kiss you right now," I moaned, digging in without hesitation. I could feel his eyes on me as I dipped the lobster into the sauce, bringing it to my eager lips.
(A/N Seafood is fucking great😭imagine not liking it?)

My eyes looked over at him, gently wiping the bit of sauce that had dripped down my chin, a tinge of embarrassment present. "Will you not eat?"

He placed his hands together, intertwining them under his chin, gaze still on me. "I'm good, plus you eating fascinates me," he said as a small smile graced his face.

I rolled my eyes with playfulness in my eyes as I continued to eat. "I'm glad I eating amuses you."
A small laugh tumbled from his soft, kissable lips as he replied. "It's not every day you see a woman eat like a horse, especially before a male."

Dramatically gasping, I put my hand to my mouth. "How dare you?"

"You eat like a beautiful horse," he chuckled lightly, continuing to watch me. We shared a small smile, and he laughed even harder when I stuffed the shrimps into mouth. This is hands down the best date ever.


"So what now?" I asked as we sat shoulder to shoulder in the sand,

watching as the soft waves greeted the shores. He turned his head slightly to look at me, his unfairly long eyelashes casting a shadow on his sculpted cheeks.

"We could sit and talk, or we could take a dip?"

Fuck, I cursed in my mind. I didn't want to go into the water, but I was also getting tired of dodging questions, seeing that I could tell him anything. Giving in, I opted for the latter. "A dip sounds nice."

He rose to his full height, unbuttoning his shirt. Eyebrows drew together in a bit of confusion, I questioned him. "Why are you removing your clothes?"

Continuing to do so, he took off his pants, leaving him in a pair of Calvin Klein's. "Did you expect us to swim clothed? Now come on," he smiled encouragingly before stripping off the last piece of clothing and jogging to the water.

The muscles in my lower belly contracted as I saw his tight little ass bounce away. Wouldn't want to keep him waiting, I thought then proceeded to get up. My dress was already exposing my shoulders so all I had to do was pull it down, and take the rest of my underwear with in to be in a similar state as Giovanni.

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