Chapter 18

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Anonymous POV

With the eyes of a hawk, I watched her. Her pink plump lips stretched into a smile as she laughed with one of her students, the one she was fucking. Giovanni Samuels. My jaw clenched in anger, the blood running through my veins boiled with it too. I was the only one she should be smiling at. I was the only one who deserved her love. 

Soon, I reminded myself. Just a little more time and she'll be yours. I glanced down at my phone screen to check the time, smiling at the photo of her sleeping that was there. 4:15. Time for her to go home, I thought. The moment she drove off I did the same, staying a few cars away from her, of course. She was a smart woman, I did not want her to suspect anything.

The drive to her place took roughly thirty minutes each day, and I parked a few cars away from hers. Her neighbourhood was the quiet type, where people minded their business and looked away. Even if it was a strange man that they've never seen before, and I for one, did not mind.

Her daily life was something I practised, something I knew like the back of my hand. She would take her heels off and get a drink, then walk upstairs to take a bath. In that time I would already be situated in the huge tree in her neighbour's backyard, the perfect spot for me to admire her. 

"Fuck." Came my reaction to the slow teasing removal of her silk blouse. The binoculars from which I watched her through heightened the scene. She sighed, pulling her hair up into a bun atop her head. Then went her undershirt, and with every piece of clothing that my goddess removed; my dick got harder.

And then she stood stark naked in the middle of her room, and I couldn't help but groan at the thought of when we were finally together. I would get to see that breath-taking melanated masterpiece of hers, at any time I wished. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, were my thoughts as she wrapped herself in a short peach towel. 

At least I had a camera planted in the vase at her bedside. Lack of sleep was no stranger to me, I sacrificed my sleep to watch her sleep during the night. Again, I did not mind. Time to go home.


A rush of excitement washed over my body at the thought of what I was about to do. I had been waiting all week, and I made sure it was worth the wait. My door slammed shut, the echo bouncing off the walls, and shoes slipping off at the door as I made my way upstairs. I lived alone, with the exception of my dog Pierre; just how I liked it. 

I didn't even bother to greet him and instead sprinted to the master bedroom. Framed pictures of my love were almost everywhere, on my walls, on my dresser; and on my ceiling, so the first thing I saw was her when I wake up. She was my reason for waking after all. Stripping naked, I reached over and opened my drawer, taking out the blue panties she wore yesterday. 

I brought the lacy material up to my nose, the tip running against the centre. I could orgasm at the smell, but instead, I wrapped it around my cock. The video of her masturbating at its loudest on the screen of my phone. Her hand running over her nipples, then slowly trailing down in between her legs. Her bottom half was covered by a sheet, but that was okay.

I wanted my girl to have her privacy.

The expressions on her face, the movement of her hand and not to mention the sounds that came from her mouth, was enough. The soft crotch of her panties moved up and down the length of my member, my hand squeezing tighter to try and replicate the feeling of her around me. Or rather, what I thought it would've felt like. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip, legs squeezing together in the reach of a powerful climax.

It felt so good to cum with her.

I lost my train of thought as my stomach tightened in a shattering orgasm, white spurts of cum splurged all over my hand and bed covers. Even without her physically touch, she was the only one who could make me feel that way. No one else. My mood was instantly killed when I heard her moan his name at the end. 


I could simply rat them out to the board, but I didn't want my lady to be stressed. My hand reached out to grab my knife from under the pillow, throwing it directing at the dart board I may or may not have made as a stress relief; with his unappealing face on it. Must be so 'unappealing' if she's fucking him and not you, the voice inside my head retorted. 

"Shut the fuck up," I answered back, staring at the knife logded deep into the place where his forehead would be. And if luck was on my side, the place it would be very soon. I got up with the intention of washing away my bodily release with a soothing shower, and again, got distracted by the beauty on my bathroom wall. She was dressed in a yellow sun dress, her smile even more radiant than the sun itself. "Soon," I mumbled, my thumb running over her face, "I'll get rid of that nuisance and we'll be together."

Soon, my darling. You just wait. Even if it meant the lost of lives to gain you, so be it

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