Chapter 7

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Hey y'all, so I had to do a checkup and this random-ass doctor felt up my titties😂😂. It was the most awkward moment of my existence, I just laid there looking at the ceiling😭 anyway, carry on😂

Valentina's POV

           The ride home was tense, and my arm was beginning to bleed harder so we were glad when we reached. As I walked into the house I saw my father and the men, but my father didn't even acknowledge me.

He just took the box out of my hand on walked up the stairs straight up to his office. Fucking asshole, not even a thank you.

I got disoriented for a second and rocked on my feet. A pair of familiar hands caught me, Gabe. "C'mon, let's get Vinatello," he said referring to our family doctor.

The walk wasn't far considering that he had an office on the compound. We tend to get injured, very often. Gabe knocked once before entering.

His head snapped up from the paperwork before him. "Gabriel, how are-"

His dark eyes widened, seeing the blood from my arm. He stood up immediately, and stood beside the table Gabe put me on.
"I have to go, take care of her," he regarded Vinatello.

He nodded and briskly walked out of the room. "Valentina, good to see you again. Not under these circumstances of course."

"Yeah, how are you?"

Wiping his hands on a towel after washing them, he took a pair of scissors and cut open my shirt.

His eyes landed on my chest, then unto my face again. "I'm doing good, you?"

Despite the pain in my arm, I held on to his face. "Nate, how are you? Really?"

He sighed, grabbing a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and tweezers. "Stressed. This is going to hurt." He poured the alcohol on the wound, wiping around it carefully.

"Fuck," I hissed, clenching my teeth. He glanced up at me in concern. I shook my head, dismissing him. "I'm good, continue."

"How's Liya?"

"Miserable as always, after she found out about what happened," he paused as our eyes met each other, "things started to go more down hill than before."

Taking the tweezers, he gently began to remove the shard of glass. Luckily, there weren't any stray pieces so it was easy. Then came the stitching.

"Is she going to file a divorce?" I asked, flinching as the needle pierced my skin. He muttered a soft 'sorry'. "I don't think so, for Charlotte's sake. But she's money hungry, so who knows."

Charlotte was his fifteen year old daughter. He loved her, very much. She was his only child after all.

Cleaning the now stitched up wound once again, he placed a bandage over it. "Try not to rip it open, please. If you want some pain pills I can give up a few."

"No, I'm good. What would be nice is a drink, a strong one. You have any of the good stuff here?" I gently slid off the table and walked around to the wooden cabinet upon the wall.

Pulling out a bottle of bourbon and two glass cups, I placed them on the table and began to pour. An arm stopped me, "Are you sure?"

I continued to pour, "I'm sure, why are you even still with that bitch? All she does is use your money." He ran a hand over his face.

"I know that she's not who she used to be, but I fell in love with her for a reason, Val. Maybe it's still there-"

I interrupted his bullshit. "Nate, she literally brought another man into your house that you worked so hard for, while she sat on her paper plate ass, and fucked him on your bed. What more reason do you need, huh? Are you waiting for her to fuck a next guy on your forehead or something?"

He sighed, taking the drink from my out stretched hand. "Charlotte, I don't want her to grow up without that motherly love, you know. So I'm staying because of her."

Gulping back my drink, I poured another before speaking again. "Charlotte is old enough, she'll understand. Don't keep yourself down in that loveless marriage, go out, have fun. You're still young. Plus she has your mother."

He chuckled, "Having fun isn't exactly on my agenda, and I'm not that young. But I'll consider it." I smiled at him, and put my glass down. Walking up to him, I ran my uninjured hand through his dark hair, the sides sprinkled with gray hairs.

"Good. And you're not old, you're only thirty six, so stop stressing." Wrapping his arms around my waist, he kissed me softly. "Do you want to relieve some of that stress?"

I jumped into his arms, his hands holding me up by my ass. "Yes, I do." And for the rest of the night, we relieved quite alot of stress.


The next morning was a bit of a pain in the ass to get ready. Taking a bath without trying to wet the bandage was not easy. My arm still hurt from yesterday but I did end up taking the pills that Nate offered so the pain was alleviated, but still there.

To avoid unnecessary attention to the wound, I dressed in a long sleeved black dress, stopping right above my knee and fitting snugly. I threw my handbag in the passenger seat and drove off.

I decided to stay at the gang house for the time being, my father wanted me to for some reason. Seeing that I didn't get time to mark my papers, I woke up earlier than usual so to get a head start.

Pulling up in my parking space, I walked into the building and got started. After a good while students started to actually come in. But I was only looking forward to seeing one.

Giovanni. For some reason I couldn't seem to get him off my head. "Good morning Miss. Walker," someone greeted. Glancing up I saw Stevens. Here we go.

"Good morning Stevens." He stopped at my desk, "You know, you remind me of a popsicle."

"How so?"

He sit on the edge of my desk. "You're sweet and I want to lick you all over." I laughed, pushing him off. "I can see why you don't have a girlfriend."

"Okay, okay. One more," he said.
Rolling my eyes playful, I told him to go on. "I'm usually on top of things, would you like to be one of them?"

Laughter shook my chest, "That is inappropriate, but funny. Now go sit down, Stevens." He sighed playfully and drag himself to his seat. A shook my head and was just about to continue when a big shadow stood before me.

Thinking it was Stevens that had come back I spoke, "Have a seat Stevens, I'm busy."


My head snapped up immediately upon hearing the sound of his voice. "Giovanni, hi. I took you for someone else." His grey eyes roamed my face and then landed on my breasts that were pushed up by my choice of bra.

"You look good in that dress," he complimented. Opening my mouth, I got ready to thank him but he interrupted me. "It would compliment my bedroom floor so well, don't you think?"

Speechless. That's what I was. I sat there like an idiot with my mouth open. "And that mouth of yours, would feel even better wrapped around my-"

"Um, I think you should stay back after school. I have to speak to you about that," I cut him off, flustered. He nodded, eyes never leaving mine.

He walked away as more students started to come in. Resisting this might be harder than I thought.


Sorry for the late update, writers block is a bitch.

QOTD: How long do you think you would last in a zombie apocalypse?

For me, probably the first few seconds because bitch, nope😭😭
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