Chapter 4

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Valentina's POV

My mother was a no bullshit type of woman. She made sure to raise us properly, never neglecting us. Her job as a lawyer demanded a lot from her but she made time for family, always.

"El, I'm home," Dad shouted from the bottom of the stairs.


I smiled as I walked into the kitchen, my nose was met with an amazing aroma. "Hmm, smells great mom." The spoon fell from her hand as she spun around. "My baby's home!"

I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me, and I returned the favour. "Oh how I missed you honey, it's been so long."

"Ma, it's only been a month, and I'm a big girl," I chuckled.

"Doesn't matter, you'll always be my baby. Your brother doesn't talk with me like you do," she playfully glared at Gabe who kissed her forehead.

"I'm a man mom, I have to do manly stuff." I scoffed as I remembered how I made him twerk to a City Girls a month ago. Manly my ass.

"How long are you staying for, dear?" my mother asked, brushing the flour off her hands in the apron around her waist. Sitting down around the kitchen island, I took off my heels. "I'll be gone in an hour or two, I have papers to mark."

"Honey, if they're stressing you at the place if anyone isn't in line, make sure you tell me," my dad warned. I rolled my eyes, taking off my heels.

"You already know that I can handle myself dad," I responded.

"I know, I know. Just worried is all."

"Well don't be," I exclaimed, bringing my hands together, "now let's eat this amazing food. I have to go pick up some papers later."


A good hour later, we were finished with dinner and I was telling my family goodbye. My mom, being emotional, didn't want me to go.

"Are you sure honey? I can prepare your old room for you-"
I held on to her shoulders. "Mom, I'll be fine, I promise."

She sighed. "Fine, now don't forget to call every once in a while." She kissed my cheek and gave me one last hug.

My dad wasn't as extra and just gave me a small hug and went up to his office. Gabe and I hugged for a long time before letting go. We were always close as kids. He knew I could handle myself so he did ask.

"How's Camera doing?" I asked, referring to his girlfriend. He rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Her name is Camille, Val. And she's doing good, even though you don't actually care."

I smiled sarcastically. "What could you possibly mean, dear brother? I do care, I just hope she gets her next period in a shark tank."

He threw his head back and then kissed the side of my head. "You'll never change, now go, and take care." I smiled and nodded, then turn away to head to my car.

On the drive to the school, I wondered if I should pull over and change my outfit. Maybe it was a bit too revealing for school, but I've already reached this far so it doesn't matter.

Taking out my handbag, I stepped out of the car and shut the door. As I walked through the hallways and to my classroom, I got stares. A lot of stares. One of my students wolf-whistled as I walked past him.

"Woo, go you Ms W, you are working it girl," he said shaking his hips. I laughed heartily, thanking him. "I hope that you've already done my homework, Stevens."

He collected some books from his locker, shutting it close. "I did it from the day it was assigned, I really don't want to get on your bad side." He then paused for a second.

"But then again, seeing you in this dress I wouldn't mind which side I get on, really," he smiled cheekily and ducked from my playfully swatting hand.

"Get to class Stevens," I said, shaking my head. A short 'yes ma'am' was his response. I hummed as I continued to walk to class. Just a few papers and I'm out.

I had gotten the papers and was walking back down the hallway. Too busy looking for my keys, I didn't realize I was going to bump into someone until I did and the papers scattered all over the floor.

Breathing heavily through my nose, I went on my knees to pick it up. "My bad, I wasn't looking where I was goi-" I stopped when I realized who it was.

"Giovanni, hi." His dark grey eyes looked down at me on the floor. Scanning my face, an unknown emotion crossed his eyes before he helped me. "I can't wait to have you on your knees like that," he muttered, not expecting me to hear.

My head snapped up. "Excuse me?"

"I wasn't watching where I was going either," he responded, changing his words. I nodded, scooping up the papers in one hand and taking the rest from Giovanni. We got up at the same time, which resulted in us staring into each other's eyes.

I could see the little freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose and the little specks of green decorating his orbs.

Realizing we were both standing too close for what was appropriate, I cleared my throat and stepped away. "Yeah, we should probably get going."

"Yeah, we should," he said, but still held my gaze. Just then my phone rang, and I looked down. Sorry, I mouthed.

'Incoming call from Nolani'
A smile graced my face as I answered the phone, ready for her loud voice. "Hey best friend," she shouted. And didn't disappoint. I chuckled, "Hey, Lani. What's up?"

"We haven't seen each other in so long, let's link up." I glanced up only to see Giovanni gone, I sighed. "We saw each other four days ago."

"I miss you, and I like how that Reynolds guy is out of your life-" My brain paused for a sec, trying to figure out who the hell was Reynolds. Then it clicked, "Do you mean Richard?"

"Doesn't matter, I didn't like his small dick ass anyway. So, I've set up a blind date for you-" she said, excitement leaking through the phone.

I rolled my eyes as I open the car door and slid in. "Lani, we spoke about this, I don't like going out with random people."

"He isn't random, I know him. Well, he's a friend of a friend, it won't be that bad, I promise. Please?" she pleaded. I sighed, "Only because I love you."

She squealed, making me move the phone from my ear. "Yes, yes, yes. Tonight at seven, at Callihan's Restaurant."

"Fine, and this is the last one." Dropping my bag on the counter and taking off my heels, I walked into my closet to pick out an outfit but saw my underwear drawer open.

"Hmm, that's weird," I said. Lani, who was still on the phone, asked what. "Nothing, I probably just left my drawer open this morning."

"Sure. Let me see what you have," she said, and then requested a video call. Switching, I showed her the dresses. "Oo, I like that red one."

"Nah," I refused, "too clubby." We, or her rather because I didn't really care, stood there for about fifteen minutes trying to pick a good dress. "Stop, that one."

I took out a black dress, one that went to the elbows and looked rather tight. "Uh, don't you think it's too tight? I'm trying to look as unappealing as possible."

"Are you crazy bitch? You have to look good everywhere you go, give these haters something to talk about," she sassed. "Now go get ready, and please be nice."

I smiled even though she couldn't see me, "Of course." Not. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I placed the dress on my bed and walked to the shower.

Tonight will be eventful.

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