Side Story Part 1: New Beginnings

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"Doctor Aizawa, a patient has been assigned for you. The patient is at room 112." The nurse polietly informed him.

"Thanks. I'll go over there right now." Aizawa grabbed his clipboard and hummed his way towards the door.

As he approached the door, he heard a bustling of laughing and noisiness. He gently knocked on the door. "May I come in?"

A sweet voice called out from the door. "Come on in" she chirped.

Aizawa opened the door to be greeted by a bustle of children crowding around the woman. "Hello...?"

"Oh don't mind the children. I'm just telling them stories of my childhood."

"Tell the story of the pillow fight again!" One of the children cried.

"Maybe later okay? I have a appointment right now." She said sweetly.

"Awww." Complained the children. But they all made their way out the door. "See you later aunty!"

"I'm still in my 20s you brats!" She yelled out after them. "Sorry about them. I love kids."

Aizawa cleared his throat and put on a professional face. "No problem, Miss... Emi Fukukado."

Emi smiled in responce. It left Aizawa feeling warm. "Anyway Miss. Fukukado, your chemotherapy treatment is scheduled next week."

Emi gave a glowing smile that made Aizawa blush. "Great! Thanks Doc!"

Aizawa hurridly rushed out of the room in a panic. 'What are you doing Shota? With a patient? Let alone one you just met? You must be going crazy.'

"Hey Shota!" Called out Emi.

Aizawa turned to her, his heart thumping with adrenaline. "Please don't call me by my first name." 'That scared me.'

"Why not? Ah I see." Emi put her hands together as if she understood. "You can call me by first name too!"

"T-that's not-"

"Oya? Flustered are you?"

"I'm not!" Aizawa cleared his throat and put on a more serious face. "I'm not."

"Hehehe. Wanna marry me Shota?"

"Eh?!" Aizawa stopped dead in his tracks as his heart started to race. "W-wha-"

"Just joking! Joking." Emi then looked at him slyly. "Unless?"

Aizwa took a deep breath. "No way in hell buddy."

"Tsundere. Hehe." Emi giggled. Her giggles sent butterfly's to Aizawa's stomach.

"So your chemotherapy is tomorrow. How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked.

"Fine. I mean I'm feeling the same as I was when I found out I had stage 4 breast cancer." Emi replied. "Absolutely estatic."

Aizawa could not reply and kept walking.

"Anyways, I'm still grateful there are people trying for me. Even when I know I'm a goner." Emi softly joked.

"That's not true."

Emi sweetly smiled at him. "You're too nice." Emi sighed. "You're right. I mean it's not like a 100% chance I'll die. But I don't see a point in living either if I have to be in a hospital for the rest of my life."

Aizawa took a deep breath and gathered his courage. "Then, let me be the reason you live!"



Aizawa booked it calling out behind him, "I'll see you tomorrow at the surgery! Okbyeseeyou!"

Emi stared, blushing furiously, at Aizawa who was already long gone."W-what was that? Eh?????"

'Shota what was that? Wasn't that basically a proposal? She must think I'm insane now! God you're so stupid! Although...'

'There's a part of me that doesn't regret it."

A short side story I planned as I continue the main plot.

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