"Shut Up!"

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"Doctor Aizawa?"


"H-how long do I have to stay here?"

Doctor Aizawa stopped replacing Izuku's IV bag and faced him, "Why do you ask?"

"O-oh no reason just curious." 'I don't want to become a burden on Kacchan's family.' Izuku thought, face filled with guilt.

Aizawa squinted at him as if to guess Midoriya's thoughts. He replied, "You'll be here for about two months at the shortest. Your injuries were very severe after all. You'll be out by New Year's if you're lucky." Aizawa returned to changing the IV bag. "There. I'll be back later to change it again. Ring the buzzer if you need anything."

Izuku nodded and Aizawa left the room. 'Two months...huh. I wonder how much the medical bills would be. Not very cheap probably.' Izuku thought back on Kastuki's words. 'I can't even feel sadness now. It's been a week since they died. What's wrong with me? Do I really not care? How heartless can I be? Even now, I can't think of anything but money.' Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"Mr. Midoryia? Are you alright? It's lunch time." A nurse opened the door and brought in a wheelchair. "Let's get you up and moving!"

Izuku was wheeled down the hallway to the public cafeteria. The smell of ethanol and cough medicine was replaced with the smell of processed foods. It wasn't much of an upgrade.

As he went to get his food, people started to point at him, whispering things. 'Even here huh?' Most of the people had eyes of disgust and people moved out the way of the upcoming boy. Izuku could only imagine what they were saying, "Hey hey did you hear? He didn't even cry in his own parent's funeral? Isn't that messed up?" "I heard that he was the only survivor in the car crash" "Ugh human scum." "Why is here?" "He should have died instead."

'What do they know about me?' Izuku angrily thought. 'I wish they would just shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut-' "SHUT UP!" screamed Izuku covering his ears. The room fell silent and all the patients laid eyes on him. Panicked, the nurse quickly apologized for the commotion and wheeled him away. Izuku was still hunched over muttering, "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. They don't understand. They don't understand." The nurse worried, called for Doctor Aizawa.

"So? Can you explain why you flipped out towards the other patients?"

Izuku stayed quiet and clenched his bedsheets. He didn't get it himself either.

Aizawa sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look. I get that it's hard. You've lost your parents after all. But you need to get along with the other patients. We're all in this boat together." Aizawa then smiled and got up, "I'll have one of the nurses deliver the lunch to you. Cheer up okay?"

'God I hate this. What am I doing? All i do is cause problems. I should just shut up.' Izuku looked up at the night sky. 'Huh. It's a full moon today. How pretty.'

Every night after the funeral, Izuku had requested to be wheeled to the commerce room, where he would stare at the moon and think.

"Ah! You're the boy who yelled 'shut up' in the cafeteria!" An unknown voice sounded. "What are you doing? Staring at the moon? It's real pretty huh?"

Slightly irritated he turned to look at the voicer. Unfortunatly, the shadows of the night covered her body and Izuku could not see her. He spat out. "Who are you?"

"Pretty rude considering this is the first time we met. Let me tell you something; when asking for somebody's name you better say yours first."

Izuku looked down embarrassed and quietly muttered, "Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya."

"What are you? Freaking James Bond?" Izuku was getting very annoyed now. "Well I'll play along then." The speaker stepped out to the moonlight allowing Izuku to see the person's entire body. "The name's Uraraka. Ochako Uraraka. How do you do?"

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