"Ah, Young Love"

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Izuku woke up with a yawn, only to be greeted with an extremely grumpy Aizawa. "Do you know why I'm upset?"

Izuku still half-awake mindlessly shook his head. "You worked overtime and is taking it out on the patient?"

Aizawa sighed, "No. It's the fact that you stayed up to 5 am again. Your body needs sleep to recover Midoriya."

Izuku frowned. "What are you, my mom?"

"No I'm your doctor, and it's in my best interest to keep you healthy and safe. However-" Aizawa stood up and put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "-I won't lecture you too much because you were able to talk it out."

Izuku blushed. "Y-you heard us?"

Aizawa winked. "Don't worry, young love is always so sweet to watch."

Izuku blushed. "I-it's not u-um-"

Aizawa smiled and waltzed out the room. "I'd like to think my parents would forgive him because of ypu Uraraka." Aizawa teasingly sang.

Izuku's face turned three shades redder and yelled, "I-I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!"

'Damn it." Izuku blushed and put his hand to his face. 'Wait does that mean Yu also heard us-'

"H-hello!" A familiar voice peaked through the door. "Are you here Izuku?"

Izuku's heartrate jumped to 200. "U-uraraka!"
'Why am I so flustered?! Try to calm down me.'

Uraraka twiddled her thumbs. "U-um how are you doing?"

"I-i'm doing fine! H-how are you?"

"I'm doing well." Uraraka softly smiled. "Thanks for asking."

"Of course." Uraraka's smile seemed to send Izuku to cloud nine. His stomach started to doing flips and churns. 'Are these what you call butterflies?'

Trying to calm himself down, Izuku spoke up, "So what brings you here?"

Uraraka blushed. She rocked back and forth, her face burried in her hand. "U-um I-. I just wanted to see you." She peaked from her hand. "A-am I not allowed to?"

"N-no! You're totally welcome! I wanted to see you too so-"


Izuku turned red and burried his face into the blanket. 'WHAT DID I JUST ADMIT?! AHH I WANT TO DIE!"

Izuku felt Uraraka coming closer. She softly whispered, "I'm really happy to hear that."

Izuku looked up to see Uraraka red all the way to her ears. Uraraka met Izuku's eye and gave him a small, sweet smile. Izuku reached out a hand to Uraraka, with his heart beating louder than drums.

Izuku's hand met Uraraka's cheeks. It was extremely warm, but he couldn't tell if it was because of Uraraka or his hand. Uraraka gently leaned her face on his hand and smiled.

"Ahem." Izuku and Uraraka jumped in realization.

"Ki-ki-kirishima!" Uraraka panicked.

"That is my name."

"I-it's not what it looks like Izuku was just-" Uraraka looked at Izuku desperately. "-taking something out of my hair! Yeah! That's it!"

Kirishima snorted a laughter. "Uh-huh sure..." He put on a smug look. "So you're telling me that taking something out of your hair made you blush this much?"

"S-shut up!" Uraraka grew a darker shade of red. "W-why are you even here?"

"Weeeell I WAS going to invite you guys to help me set up the Christmas party that's in 2 weeks. But now I see I was interrupting so..."

"Y-you weren't interrupting anything!" Izuku defended. Uraraka nodded in agreement but looked a bit disappointed.

Kirishima shook his head. "Ah young love. How I miss it."

Uraraka fanned her cheeks and peeped at Izuku. He met eye contact and they blushed even harder. 'Why is she so cute?!'

Izuku coughed. "C-christmas party huh?"

Uraraka brightened up even more. "It's a huge event where they set up trees and decorations and invite Santa over-"

Izuku giggled. "You still believe in Santa Claus?"


"Eh?" Izuku looked at Uraraka. "Don't tell me you-"

"No silly." Uraraka rolled her eyes. "I just couldn't believe that you would think I still believe in Santa." Uraraka stroke a prideful pose. "I am 15 after all."


Uraraka raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet. "....Anyways. Let's go help them Izuku! I promise you're going to love the party. It is so fun."

"I'm not sure if our definition of fun means the same thing." Izuku muttered. 'You almost caused a fire last time we had a party.'

Uraraka pulled Izuku by the arm, almost dragging him off the bed. "C'mon let's go!"

"W-woah wait-" Izuku fell off the bed and his face kissed the ground once more. "You know, this hospital ground is eventually going to sue me for sexual harassment if I kiss it anymore times."

"Sorry, sorry." Uraraka apologized, in a non-apologetic manner. "I saw you stand last night so I assumed you could."

"That was the adrenaline. I think I can stand, but I need some assistance from my servant." Izuku gestered at Kirishima. "Servant! Do help me up."

Kirishima sighed and helped Izuku to his feet. "If I wasn't your nurse I would have let you be on the floor."

Izuku wobbled on his feet as he tried to take a step. His legs failed him and he crumbled onto the floor. Izuku sighed. "You know what? Wheelchair's fine."

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