Die Bürgschaft

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Izuku remained silent as he continued to stare blankly into the wall. Uraraka peered outside to see dark clouds forming in the sky. "Looks like it's going to rain." She quietly commented. Izuku gave no responce back.

Yu entered the door with a silent knock as she informed them, "Ahokina's awake now. Your parents are also at their room. Go visit him whenever you can." Reading, the mood of the room, she silently left without saying any of her usual snarky remarks.

Uraraka turned to Izuku and started to approache him before stopping herself. She clenched her fist tighter as she struggled to collect her voice. "Izuku I-"

"It's fine." Izuku interrupted. His voice was deadpanned. "Don't apologize. I told you, I understand. Don't blame yourself. It's fine."

Uraraka's feet rocked as she stared guiltily at the floor. "But..." She bit her lips as she struggled to put it into words. "...Alright... I'm going to go to check up on Ahokina... l-later." Uraraka quickly collected a bag on her bed and rushed out the room.

Uraraka's mom glanced at the clock and panicked. "Oh my gosh is it already 5? We need to get going soon. We'll pick you up 2 weeks later when you're released okay?"

Ahokina smiled and waved them goodbye. "When I get out, let's 'ave a drink!"

The father looked at him disapprovingly, and then sighed. "Keep it to a minimum 'kay?"

Uraraka watched her parents race out from the entrance to their truck, trying their best to shield themselves against the rain. "So it did get a dent..." she quietly noticed.

Ahokina gently called out to his sister, "Ochako come here." Uraraka silently walked over and sat on the bed. "So tell me, what happened?"

Izuku mindlessly wheeled himself down the hospital halls. He glanced at a nearby clock which he could not read due to the lack of lights. His thoughts were clouded and it felt as if he was suffocating. The drowning sensation of hopelessness swarmed him, and to prevent it from overtaking him, he moved his arms on the wheel. He pushed forward and forward, not knowing where he was headed.

Eventually, his arms felt like lead and he stopped. His mind was screaming with nonsense. Thoughts plagued his mind, but he could not interpret them. 'Who died? It's fine. I understand. Why are they sorry? It was cause they were in a more unfortunate situation. Why am I here? What am I doing? What am I-'

"Midoriya." A voice intercepted his thoughts as Izuku was saved from his pounding thoughts.

"D-doctor Aizawa."

"It's 5:30, the hell are you doing out here?"

"I-" Izuku glanced around and noticed he was in the commerce room again. It had only been several hours since the last time he had come here with Ahokina. "-I don't know." Izuku slowly put his hands back on the wheel. "I-I'll head back now."

"Wait." Aizawa grabbed Izuku's wheelchair and spun him back around. "Coffee or tea?"

"E-excuse me?"

"I said coffee or tea? Choose one."


Aizawa threw him a bottle of tea which he barely managed to catch. From his pocket, he withdrew a can of black coffee. It opened with a 'pop' as Aizawa sat down on a nearby chair. "So? What's wrong with you?"

Izuku fumbled with the tea as he struggled to open it. "N-nothing."

Aizawa sighed heavily as he laid back on the chair. "Well unless you're an insomniac like me, I doubt you would be wandering around here at 5 am."

Izuku remained silent as he glanced off to the side. "I- I just felt like it."

"What are you, Kiss-Shot?"

Izuku blankly stared at Aizawa. "Wha-"

"My attempt at being relevant. What, you didn't get the refrence?" Aizawa shrugged as he took a sip from the can. "Well, whatever." He eyed off Izuku from the corner of his eye. "Love problems?"

Izuku, flustered, said a little too loudly, "Wha- i-it's not-"

"Calm down, it's a joke." Aizawa leaned forward and turned to Izuku. "Then, family problems?"

Izuku looked away again as he desperately tried to find an out to this conversation. 'It's fine. Just avoid his questions.'

"Did it have something to do with Uraraka?"

"I don't know if Ahokina has anything to do with this." Izuku quietly muttered.

Aizawa squinted his eyes and took another sip. "I'm talking about Ochako. Ochako Uraraka."

The tea in his hand felt stone cold as Izuku stared hard at the tea. The movement of the tea in the bottle seemed alluring, as if the waves of the liquid was mirroring his thoughts. 'It's fine. Keep avoiding his answers.' "S-since when were you so direct Doctor?"

"Hm? I was always this way. You just didn't bother to learn about me. The same is for Ochako right?" Aizawa finished his coffee and gently set down the coffee on his lap. "You haven't bothered to learn about her."

Izuku reacted as he tried to deny it. "Y-you're wrong."

"Really? Seems that way to me." Aizawa glanced at Izuku. "Have you ever been the one to approach her first?"

Izuku's eyes widened in realization. 'Never. I never have.'

"Look-" Aizawa slowly got up and started to head towards the recycling bin. "-I don't know what happened, but go talk it out with her alright? Do it before..."

Izuku didn't catch the last words but noticed the solemn look on Aizawa's face. Aizawa waved him away as he started to walk off. "Stop running away, Midoriya."

Izuku's heart tightened at those last words as he felt it pierce right through him.

"Oh by the way," Aizawa slowly pushed open the exit. "Your casts should be off by the time Ahokina leaves the hospital. Good for you huh?"

"Eh?" Izuku looked off as Aizawa waltzed away. 'Don't just drop important news so casually!'

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