Pepto Bismol

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Uraraka smirked. "That was really cheesy." she giggled.

Izuku blushed. "U-um sorry I don't know what came over me I just wanted to be honest so like-"

Uraraka sat next to Izuku. She held his hand. "Thanks, Izuku. I truly am grateful." She gave him a warm smile. Izuku blushed even harder as they met each other gazes. His heart thumping a million miles per hour, he smiled back. Izuku felt Uraraka's warmth and her gentle hand. 

'How can a person be so warm?'  Uraraka was so beautiful. The way the moonlight shone on her reminded him of when they first met. 'Ah. I first thought she was an angel. Guess I wasn't wrong...' Uraraka and Izuku slowly began to lean in together closer. Their hearts were loud, but they couldn't care less. This was a moment that nothing could ever ruin. Izuku slowly began to close his eyes as he felt Uraraka coming closer.

"Ochako?! Are you here?" A voice called out. "Ochako?!"

Izuku and Uraraka jolted away from each other. They awkwardly looked away. 'WHAT WAS I JUST TRYING TO DO?!'

"Ochako? Are you here?" Uraraka's mom bolted into the lobby. She sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank God." She finally seemed to notice Izuku. She gave a warm smile and a wave. 

Izuku blushed and bowed. He didn't know how to act around her. 

"H-honey are ya 'ere?" A voice gasped out. "Is she with ya?" Uraraka's dad entered the lobby, out of breath. He met eyes with Izuku and looked away. Nothing was said. 


Uraraka's dad gave a quick wave. Izuku awkwardly gave a bow back. 'My stomach hurts.'

Uraraka's mom gave a worried smile. "Thanks for being with Ochako, Midoriya. We didn't interrupt anything, did we?"

Izuku looked away. "N-no." He clenched his stomach harder. "I-i should go."

Uraraka opened her mouth to say something but left it. She looked extremely sick. 

Izuku stood up to leave. 'I feel nauseous.' Izuku collapsed as his legs unexpectedly lost strength. "Gah!"

He hit the floor with a thud and Uraraka quickly got up to check on him. "Oh my gosh, Izuku! Are you okay?!" Uraraka turned to her father. "Dad, get a doctor!" Uraraka's dad nodded and sprinted off. 

"S-sorry I think my legs haven't recovered fully yet." Izuku weakly laughed. He felt strange; as if he could sink into the floor at any second.

Uraraka's mom helped Izuku get back on the couch. "Are you alright? I think you may have overexerted yourself."


"Midoriya!" Dr. Aizawa raced across the floor with nurses behind him. "Are you alright?!" He signaled to the nurses. "Put him on the wheelchair."

Izuku was quickly put in the wheelchair and rushed away by Aizawa. The nurses behind him began to question Izuku. "Do you feel any pain in your legs?" "What happened there?" "What do you think caused this?"

Izuku glanced at Aizawa sheepishly for help. He sighed. "Thank you for your efforts nurses. However, I just assume he was being idiotic as always and overexerted his legs. I can take care of him alone from here. Go take a break."

The nurses brightened up and raced off before Aizawa could say another word. Aizawa let out a bigger sigh. "So? What happened? I was just recovering from being drunk."

Izuku clenched his stomach. "I-I just felt nauseous."

"Hm? What's wrong? Do you want me to prescribe you stomach medicine?"

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