Stomach Cramps

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"What did you say?"

Aizawa shot a dirty look at Kirishima and Yu. Yu mustered her courage and spoke up. "Izuku I- we're sorry."

Aizawa sighed and scratched his head. "I didn't want you to find out like this. Look Midoriya-"

Izuku drowned out the voices as the world twisted and churned. 'My stomach hurts. What's happening? Everything is going so fast...'

"Midoriya?" Aizawa stepped forward.

"S-stay away! Don't come any closer!" Izuku yelled back. He felt nauseas, as if he was spinning in circles. His mind  raced and activated his fight or flight reaction; he chose fight.

Kirishima took a step forward to Izuku with his hands up as guard. "Izuku please let us just explain-"

"No! Stay away!" Izuku swung his fists in desperation as he slowly lost perception of the world. Spinning and looping around, he felt a deep tinge in his stomach. "Stay away. I- I-"

'What was I trying to say? What's even happening? What did Kirishima say?' Izuku clenched his stomach as he slowly quieted down.

Kirishima carefully put his hands on Izuku's back in an attempt to comfort him. "Izuku... Let's talk somewhere else, okay?"

'Shit!' Dr. Sasaki cursed. 'This isn't going to work out. Her heart's too small.' Dr. Sasaki turned to the nurses and called out. "Cancel the surgery; inform the guardians it wasn't successful."

The nurses gave slight nods and went to work immediately. Dr. Sasaki sighed and walked out of the surgery room. He carefully took off his mask and gloves and threw it in a bin. Dr. Nezu approached him in a questioning fashion.

"The surgery wasn't successful." Dr. Sasaki informed.

"Oh... I see." Dr. Nezu looked disappointed but not surprised. "Is there any other way? Was the request to Tokyo approved?"

"They haven't confirmed it yet. It might takes weeks or even months to get it finalized."

Dr. Nezu frustratingly sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We don't have months. Doubt she even has even weeks. She might not last to Christmas at this point."

"I'll try to hurry the process up. Can't make any promises, however." Dr. Sasaki relaxed and took on a weary smile. "Would you like to go for a drink after work?"

"Sure, why not?"

Yu was the first one to break the ice. "Izuku? Are you okay?"

"Is this why you told me to stay away from her?" Izuku questioned. He clenched his stomach tighter.

Aizawa sighed and scratched his head. "Look Midoriya, you had just lost-"

"Thats not what I asked!" Izuku cried out.

Aizawa looked down. "Yes." He took a deep breath in. "Uraraka has something called pulmonary hypertension. It's when the artery from the heart to the lung becomes damaged."

" it fatal?" Aizawa said nothing, but judging from their faces, it was obvious. "I-is she the one in the surgery room?"

"Dr. Sasaki, a man from Tokyo, is treating her." Aizawa answered. "The surgery is unlikely to make a difference, however."

"Why?" Izuku started to shake. "Why did you lie to me? Why did you tell me to stay away from her? Why would you-"

"Because you're still naive!" Aizawa snapped back. "I've worked at this hospital for over 10 years! You think I haven't seen this exact scenario many times?! How many patients have fallen in love with one another? But in the end, it's all the same. This is real life not some drama. People die. No matter how much people pray or pay. And you know what happens to the people who experienced loss?"

"Dr. Aizawa-" Yu tried to interrupt.

"They fall. They never recover. They become broken vessels of a man who they were once. Living life empty, always hoping that one day you might be able to hear her laughter again. You regret the feelings that you weren't able to express. And-" Aizawa spat. "-and eventually, you have to write letters to a grave to keep your mental from collapsing. Always fumbling with a cigarette to try and remember the scent of her."

The room fell silent. Dr. Aizawa sighed and continued. His voice sounded broken, so full of sorrow and mourning. "You had just lost your parents- what could I do? I couldn't just let you lose another person in your life."

Yu looked at Aizawa empathetically. She had a saddened smile on her face.

The cold silence continued for a while, until Izuku broke it with a small voice, "I-is it 100% certain?"

Aizawa whispered back, "Not 100%. As I've said, Dr. Sasaki is treating her at the moment. We'll see if the surgery does anything for her."

"I-I'll go check up on any updates." Kirishima announced. He quickly left, leaving the very awkward atmosphere.

Yu took a deep breath and clapped her hands together. "Izuku, want to check up on her?"

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