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Outside the door sat Yu and Aizawa, who were quietly eavesdropping. Yu smiled and turned to Aizawa. "Aren't you glad they made up?"

Aizawa shrugged and took out a cigarette from an old box. "I feel like it's bittersweet. Knowing the clash from the knowledge of death and the appreciation of what's here. It's almost beautiful."


Aizawa blushed and loudly whispered. "I'm sorry for trying to be poetic! Didn't know art wasn't appreciated here!"

Yu sighed and snatched the cigarette out of his hand. "That's not what I meant. No smoking in the hospital. You're going to kill someone."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Please. I don't even smoke too often. It's only like 2 times a year."

Yu looked at him, thinking for a bit, and then  handed him back the cigarette. "Fine. But do it outside the building and then wash your clothes after. I'll only allow it cause it's- her death's anniversary."

"Way to be subtle and considerate. Thank you." Aizawa snorted.

"Hey don't act like I wasn't her best friend. Emi was special to both of us." Yu looked melancholic. "I'm sure she wouldn't want us to be so down."

Aizawa sighed and stood up. He put the cigarette in his mouth and slowly waltzed towards the exit. "Yeah. Yeah." He waved off.

Yu shook his head and smiled. "Honestly Emi, what'd you ever see in him? I would never know." She stood up and stretched. "Now. How to make things awkward between the two lovebirds in there."

"Im baaack!" Yu sang. She bolted open the door to see Izuku still embracing Uraraka. Izuku yelped in surprise, and quickly let go of Uraraka. Uraraka still holding on to Izuku, tried to lay down but caused Izuku to collapse on top of her.

Yu who watched all of this unfold, stared impressed, "I don't even know how you guys managed that, but quite bold are we?"

Uraraka yelped from under Izuku, clearly embarassed. "N-no it's not what it looks like!" She slammed her hand across Izuku's back. "Izuku get off me!"

"I-i can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Just get off. You're heavy. Have you put on some weight?"

"N-no!" Izuku looked up to Yu. "Have I gained weight Yu?"

"Well you have been on a wheelchair for a month..."

Izuku looked horrified. "Nooo!"

"Izuku... get.." Uraraka started to shove Izuku out the way. "Your... fatass... off... of.... me!" Uraraka finally shoved Izuku off the bed and took a deep breath. "Honestly what were you thinking?" She jokingly shamed. "Laying on a recovering patient like that. I could have died!"

Yu looked at Uraraka. "Really? RIGHT after your surgery? I hope you know you COULD have died."

Uraraka rolled her eyes. "Please as if I'm scared of dying. Heck I welcome it!"

"Says the one who was just crying about it." Muttered Yu.

"Umm. Terribly sorry to bother, but could I ask for some assistance?" Izuku pleaded, with his face kissing the cement. "I do not enjoy being face planted on the ground as surprising as it is."

Uraraka looked over and burst out giggling. "Izuku just stand up silly!"

Izuku faked being shocked. "Wow! What a brilliant idea! Maybe I should just sTaNd uP. Not like I'm crippled or anything."

Uraraka smiled at his response. She collapsed onto the bed with a loud 'poof'. "I missed you."

'I did too.' Izuku thought, but argued against saying it aloud. 'I really did.'

"Agh first thing you do when you wake up is start flirting!" Yu groaned. "This isn't a romcom people and if it is it's a pretty shitty one."

Uraraka raised an eyebrow. "Did my brother break up with you yet?"

"No you brat. And what do you mean by yet?!" Yu flipped her hair. "I'll have you know we have a date this weekend."

"Still don't understand what he sees in ya."

"UM EXCUSE ME!" Izuku yelled. "I. AM. ON. THE. FLOOR. PLEASE. PICK. ME. UP."

Yu sighed and hobbled Izuku back on to the wheelchair. "The things I do to keep this job."

Izuku had multiple retorts but decided not to as he was in "wheelchair knocking distance".

"Quite frankly, I don't know if you guys making up was better or worse for my sanity." Yu said while rubbing her temple. "Anyway, since you've woken up Ochako I'm going to need you to sign some papers."

"Since when were we on first name basis?" Ochak- excuse me Uraraka- stated.

"Well I'm dating an Uraraka so I might as well call you Ochako. I'll see you at my wedding Ochako." Yu winked.

Uraraka physically cringed. "I fear for that day."

Yu rolled her eyes and turned to Izuku. "Sorry but I'm going to need you to step out while we get this all sorted out. Hospital rules."

Izuku looked at the clock. 5:15 am. (fun fact: this was the time when I was writing this) "Sure. I have to go to bed anyways."

"Awww bummer." Uraraka pouted. "You could have stayed the night."

Izuku wheeled himself out of the room and said behind his shoulder. "Don't know if I want to stay with a crybaby!"

Uraraka blushed. "F-forget that ok? It never happened. I was not in a right state of mind and-"

Izuku smirked. "Uh-huh. Definetly."

As Izuku was about to close the door to Uraraka's room, he heard her call out, "Bye Madeleine!"

Izuku smiled and sighed. 'Some things just never change huh.' "My name's Midoriya!"

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