A Bit of Courage

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It was weird. Izuku rose from bed and felt weirdly refreshed. He looked at the time: 3:12 pm. "Huh."

"Don't 'huh' me." Izuku jumped and turned to see Aizawa standing in the corner of the room, crossing his arms. "Are you aware that a lack of sleep can delay the healing of your legs?" 

Izuku blinked. "Wait, really? And how long have you been there?"

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "No." He grabbed his stethoscope and began his weekly checkup. 

"So, why did you sleep at 4 am? I do recall saying that last time was going to be the last time." Aizawa asked. He turned Izuku's legs. "Seems like you overexerted your legs too while you were at it."

Izuku flinched in pain. "I was just taking your cliche words' advice."

Aizawa snorted. "Make another smart remark and I might just make you unable to walk." Aizawa wrapped up the checkup. "Nothing unusual. Just go easy on the legs. You are still recovering after all." He leaned in closer with a stern look. "This means no running."

After making sure Izuku had been properly lectured, Aizawa turned to leave. "Oh, and you are going to the Christmas dinner right?"

"Yeah? Probably."

Aizawa put on an evil smirk. "Good. Make sure you don't miss it. It's the only time of the year I have fun."

After Aizawa left Izuku trembling, Izuku thought back on the night before 'How did I get back in my room? I remember Yu wheeling me back but... how's Uraraka?'

As on cue, Uraraka strolled into the room. "Hey, Minteria!"

Izuku faked rolled his eyes. "It's Midoriya!"

They both stared at each other for a bit and broke off into a smile. "How are your legs?" Uraraka sat down on a chair next to him.

"Fine. Mother Aizawa just lectured me for several hours."

Uraraka giggled. "That does sound like him."

"How about you? Are you fine?"

Uraraka wearily smiled. "Yeah. My dad left a couple of hours ago. He wanted to apologize again." Uraraka awkwardly avoided Izuku's eyes and fidgeted with her hands. She went down to a whisper. "I'm really sorry."

Izuku scratched his head. He tried to break the awkward tension. He forced a smile. "Want to go get breakfast?"

"...it's 3." 

"I just woke up."

Uraraka let out a slight snort and put on a small smile. "Sure, I guess. I haven't eaten lunch yet anyway."


As Izuku slowly ate the cold turkey sandwich the hospital always serves, his eyes naturally drifted towards Uraraka. She seemed paler now; skinnier too. Her cheeks lost most of her usual cherry color. Uraraka took a bite of her sandwich. She chewed slowly as if she was an elderly person with dentures.

"You need something?" 

Izuku jolted up. "H-huh?"

"You keep staring at me." Uraraka looked panicked. "Do I have something on my face?"

"N-no! No. I-I'm just-" 'Shit! Think of something clever Izuku!' "-I'm just wondering, are you free on the 25th?"

'Why wouldn't she be?!! She's a patient!'

"No Izuku, I'm not. I have surgery coming up, and I'm not free." Uraraka smiled and faked rolling her eyes. "Yes, I'm free."

Izuku began to fidget. "S-so I was wondering..." Uraraka's face brightened up with expectation. "U-um. Nevermind." 'Goddamnit Izuku!'

Uraraka sank back down in disappointment. She quietly finished her lunch.

'Cmon Izuku! You can do this!' Izuku took a shaky breath. "Well actually, I happened to be free on the 25th also, so would you like to go to the Christmas din-"

"Yes!" Uraraka jumped up. Patients next to Uraraka stared at her weirdly. Clearly embarrassed, Uraraka sat down. "I-I mean sure. I'm available. 

Izuku looked down as he couldn't wipe his stupid grin. 'Yes!'


Uraraka sighed and thought back to what Doctor Nezu had told her parents this morning. "Due to our lack of resources, we'll be transferring Ochako Uraraka to a hospital in Tokyo. Hopefully, the doctors there will be able to perform the surgery."

"W-what?" Uraraka remembered her dad mutter. "Is there something wrong with this hospital?"

Nezu sighed. "Unfortunately, this is a relatively small hospital, and no one in our hospital is skilled enough to perform the surgery required for the artery surgery. You will need to transfer Ochako to perform the surgery."

"If she receives the surgery, can she live?" Uraraka's mom nervously asked.

Nezu looked remorseful. "I'm very sorry to say, but this surgery has a very low chance of succeeding. Even if it is successful, she might become bedridden for the rest of her life."

Uraraka's parents looked mortified. Nezu put on an encouraging smile. "However, if all goes well, Uraraka will be able to live normally. Of course, she will still need her monthly checkup."

Uraraka sighed. 'How much money will this cost? Surgery in Tokyo must surely cost a lot. I don't want to burden my parents anymore.' Uraraka lightly kicked her IV stand. 'I guess I won't see Izuku anymore after this year.'

Uraraka laughed at herself. 'Since when did you care so much? This isn't the first time people have left.' She thought back to the friends she made at this hospital, and how they would leave after recovering. They promised to visit only to never come back.'This is only right. Soon, Izuku too will go away and forget all about me. This is the way it should be.  Ochako Uraraka left all alone, to live and die her short, miserable life.'

Uraraka leaned back. 'Just what am I doing with my life?' 

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