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"Dr. Aizawa? Dr. Aizawa!" A nurse shook Aizawa awake. "Are you alright? You were shaking in your sleep."

Aizawa bolted up, papers scattering all over the floor. "H-hm? Yes. I'm alright." Aizawa wiped the tears on the corner of his eyes. "Just had a very nostalgic dream. Thank you Miss..."

"Ragdoll. Miss Ragdoll."

"That's a.... unique name."

"Oh you!" Ragdoll hit Aizawa on the arm playfully. "Gosh you shouldn't joke like that to a young woman like me!"

"Hahaha..." Aizawa coughed. "So? What brings you to my office?"

"The surgery has finished. The parents are now waiting in the clinic."

Aizawa sighed and rose from his desk. "Lead the way."

"-you sure? Is there really nothing we can do?" A desperate voice pleaded. She seemed on the verge of tears.

Aizawa took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. He gently opened the door. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka."

Mr. Uraraka gave a weary smile and Mrs. Uraraka turned to Aizawa. "Please is there nothing you can do? I-i'll do anything! Whether it be money or-"

"Mam, please calm down. I understand your situation but please be quiet. The patient needs to recover." Dr. Sasaki gestured towards Uraraka who was peacefully resting on the hospital bed. He handed Aizawa some files. He whispered, "Here are the results of the surgery."

Aizawa nodded in thanks and reviewed them. 'No success as expected.'

Dr. Sasaki turned back to the parents and took a deep breath. "As I was saying, it's not as simple as a heart surgery. The situation with your daughter is that her artery is in disarray-"

"Umm excuse me?" Mrs. Uraraka looked confused.

Dr. Sasaki seemed to think for a moment. "Her artery is the one causing your daughter all of her grief. What our problem is that since Uraraka's heart is extremely small, her artery in turn is too small to safely probe on. Our instruments are just simply not small enough."

"So what is yer suggestion?" Mr. Uraraka glared.

"We don't actually have an answer for now."

Mrs. Uraraka seemed on the verge of a breakdown. Aizawa glanced away as her expression seemed all too familiar to him.

"-however there is still hope." Dr. Sasaki brough out a bunch of papers from -what seems- thin air. "We will transplant a new heart inside her. With this, her artery will hopefully grow in size so that we can operate on it."

"D-does that mean she can live?"

Dr. Sasaki put on a empathetic look. "The odds of this treatment being successful is very unlikely. It would take a miracle for her to survive as we would have to preform the surgery prematurely due to her current condition. I would prepare for the worst."

Dr. Aizawa grimced at the atmosphere. No doctor ever wants to tell a parent that their child is going to die. 'I want a drink.' He wanted one especially after the nightmare he had. 'Emi... I miss you.'

"She's in here." Yu gently opened the door for Izuku. "Try to be quiet. She needs to rest after the surgery."

Izuku let himself be wheeled in, in which he found Uraraka quietly resting in the hospital bed. He wheeled himself next to her and looked around. The room itself was very simple. A white bed, an open window, and an IV stand connecting to Uraraka.

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