Hopeful Dispair

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"Doctor! Doctor!" A nurse bolted in Nezu's office. "Patient in red room is awake!"

"What?! Take me there immediately!" Nezu scrambed for his documents as he fumbled around his too-long doctor's coat. "Time is essence! You can report to me on the way there!"

Nezu opened the door to find Uraraka arguing with a nurse. "-Like I said! You're all overreacting! It was nothing serious! Let me go!"

"Uraraka." Nezu intervined.

Uraraka turned to Nezu and started to complain. "Doctor! She's not letting me go! I don't know why she's so worried- is she a new hire?"

Nezu sighed and dismissed the nurse arguing with Uraraka. "So? No witty lines or sarcastic remarks this time?"

"Hey, you're expecting too much from a girl who just woke up. It's hard being such a perfect, beautiful girl, you know." Uraraka then whined once more, "Hey Doctor! Can I please leave? It isn't like it's the first time this has happened. I've kissed the ground a few more times than I would find pleasant."

Nezu sighed. "And Shota and I keep telling you that you losing consciousness isn't good for you."


"Doctor Aizawa. You've known him for 10 years, how do you not know his first name?"

Uraraka rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately, I don't go around asking for random people's first name."

"You've known him for 10 years." Nezu stated, pulling up a chair.

"Um sorry, I was too busy- you know- trying not to burst my fucking heart."

"Language." Nezu commented.

"Oh buzz off you smurf sized human."

Nezu sighed in defeat. He grabbed a file on a desk beside Uraraka and opened it. "Now, shall we get to the more serious buisness?"

"-Like I said, Serena was so much better." Izuku argued.

"No way. Misty was the og girl." Kirishima argued back. "Serena was bland as paper."

"Excuse me??? Misty was just a whiny little bitch who-"

"Um- am I interrupting something important?" A voice interrupted. Yu stood by the doorway with the most confused look on her face. "Can I borrow Kirishima for a bit?"

"What's wrong? Need me to substitute for a shift again? Look Yu, I can't just be filling your work just so that you can keep going on dates with Ahokina-"

"SHUT." Yu glared. She aggressively whispered in Kirishima's ear. "I thought you promised to keep it a secret!"

Kirishima stared at Yu for a moment and then to Izuku. "Te-he" he clumsily hit his head in a cutesy fashion.

"I swear to God I'm going to wring out this bastard one day-" Yu shook her head and got back on topic. "Kirishima, it's not that. We just need to discuss about... the red patient."

Kirishima sighed and got up. "Sorry Izuku, I have to go. Make sure to go to physical therapy on time! The nurse is a bit... frantic to say the least."

"Psychotic you mean." Yu muttered under her breath. "Almost stabbed me with a scalpel for stealing her boyfriend."

"Umm that's definetly your fault." Kirishima replied.

Izuku watched them go outside and sat in his bed for a couple of minutes. 'WAIT AHOKINA IS DATING YU? THAT BASTARD REALLY STUCK HIS DICK IN CRAZY.'

Aizawa paced back and forward inside his private office. "FUCK!" He slammed his fist against the table, knocking over a coffee cup. He ran his fingers through his hair as he rattled his brain. "Is there really no other option?"

Aizawa approached the telephone on the wall and dialed a mumber. "C'mon pick up, pick up."

"Hello?" A voice answered on the other line.

"Yes hello, this is the General Honshou Hospital calling. Is there any updates?"

"You again? Look we've told you again and again. Our surgeons from Tokyo are arriving at the 12th. That's the earliest we can do."

"How about-"

"Look sir, we are a big hospital. We have a lot of patients too. 12th is the earliest we can do. Goodbye." The line then hung up.

"Shit! Let's just hope she hold on till the 12th then." Aizawa frustratedly prayed.

"-And that's the current situation." Nezu finished. "So Uraraka? What are your thoughts?"

"Bah! Tokyo surgeons?! I don' trust no city folks!" Uraraka grumbled.

"....And why are you doing a country accent?"

"Thought I would add to my character. Gotta spice things up once in a while." Uraraka retored in a matter-of-fact tone.

Nezu sighed and put the file on Uraraka's lap. "Well whatever you say, the surgery is happening. Here, you can look it over for yourself."

"Bah, I trust no doctor! I know my body plenty well!" Uraraka crossed her arms and said stubbornly.

Nezu sighed and smiled. "Well that sense of humor will do you some good, ain't it?"


Nezu blushed and stomped out the room. "See if I follow any of your jokes anymore!"

Uraraka laughed and waved him goodbye. "Aye lad, see you later!"

"Buzz off!" Nezu yelled back.

Uraraka giggled as she collapsed back into her bed. Her laughing died down and she began to read the file given to her. Uraraka clenched her chest. "Guess I'm running out of time, huh?"

Uraraka smiled bitterly and tried to put cheerfulness in her voice. "Well, whatever! Everyone dies one day! I just get to be the lucky one to leave this damned world first! Besides, I didn't have much to live for anyway. Even if I recovered, I haven't attended school in 3 years! Yeah that's right Uraraka! Fuck life! Nothing good ever happens anyway! People just suffer! So you're basically just escaping this cruel world. If anything this is on the positive side......"

Uraraka raised her arm to her eyes. Her arms became damp.

"...I wanted to do more things..."

Nezu stood outside of the room as he clenched his fist in saddened frustration. "For now, all we can do is hope."

I'm really sorry for not posting for a month. Wattpad was being a piece of shit.

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