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Uraraka and Izuku sat together in front of Yu hanging their heads. Izuku looked over to her and shot her a dirty glance. Uraraka continued to ignore him.

"What did I ask you not to do?" Yu menacingly asked.

"Spike the food." Uraraka quietly answered.

"And what did you do?"

"Spike the food."

Yu sighed and rubbed her temples. "Do you have any idea how much paperwork this will take? You even started a fire this time!"

'Eek! How'd she trace it back to us?' Izuku looked at Uraraka questioningly. 'Did she blab?'

Yu sighed even harder and pinched her nose. "You make me feel like I'm on my period."


"Hn? What was that?"

"It's not my fault that Mickey Mouse here knocked over a candle! Who even allows lit candles in a hospital anyway?!" Uraraka accused.

"Hey! You're the one who was controlling my wheelchair! How am I the one at fault here?!" Izuku yelled back.

"Shut up both of you!" Yu sighed again.

"Y-you know, t-they say every time you sigh a little bit of happiness escapes." Uraraka inputed.

"And who's the one causing my happiness to escape?" Yu groaned. She muttered underneath her breath, "Should have quit this job when I had the chance. 'It'll be fun' they said. 'You'll get a lot of money' they said. Look where's that gotten me!"

Izuku raised his hand. "U-um so I understand why Uraraka is here, but why am I here? I mean I didn't participate in any of the things she did."

Yu shot Izuku a deadly glare. "Because! You were supposed moniter her! Make sure she doesn't do anything dumb!"

"What am I? A babysitter?"

"She's a year younger than you! And she was your date to the party!" Yu seemed to grimace at the word 'date'. "I'm almost 30 and two brats have me beat." She quietly muttered.

"She was not my d-d-date!" Izuku stuttered, clearly embarassed.

"Eek. That sounded kind of disgusting Mimomiya." Uraraka commented. "Why are you so shy about it? Ah don't tell me-" Uraraka smugly smiled at Izuku. "-you've never had a girlfriend?"

"S-shut up! My name is Midoriya! And for your information I've had a girlfriend!" Izuku proudly proclaimed. 'In games.'

Uraraka looked at Izuku with a blank stare. A shocked face slowly dawned. She slowly looked down. "O-oh is that so?"

"AGH! Stop flirting in front of me you embarassing couple!" Yu interrupted. She turned to Izuku. "Midoriya? You can go now. I need to have another talk with this kirby bitch here."

Izuku nodded and wheeled himself out of Uraraka's room. 'Room 208 huh? Let's see... My room is 106 which means that her room is one floor up and two doors to the right. I must say the first floor has much nicer rooms than the second.'

"Is that Midelria? How ya been? Haven't seen you in a while."

"I only know one other person who mispronounces my last name besides that hamster cheeks girl which means-" Izuku turned around to face the almond brown haired boy. "-Ahokina."

Ahokina smiled cheerfully and grabbed Izuku's wheelchair's handle. "Mind if we go for a ride?"

"Thought you were still at the Halloween party." Izuku said, signaling Ahokina to push him.

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