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"Wow. That's a big Christmas tree." Izuku looked up to see a 20 feet Christmas tree standing proud and tall. "How do you guys store this thing?"

"We don't." Kirishima replied. "We just cover it every year then uncover it for Christmas."

" professional."

"Hey! We could have no tree at all!" Kirishima retorted. "You're lucky that we celebrate Christmas at all!"

"How did I not notice this tree during Halloween?"

"We hid it pretty well."

" am I supposed to miss this big ass tree? I feel like I should be in the hospital for imapired eyes at that point."

Kirishima put on a prideful grin. "We  attached a speaker to it so it seemed like a wall. I came up with that idea myself you know."

Izuku mentally face palmed himself. "And nobody saw the harm in that?"

"Oh what's a few injuries. Are we not at a hospital?"

"ARE you guys a hospital? Because at this point you guys have broken so many health regulations that-"

"Bah, Izuku you're so stingy. What's a little harm in having fun?" Kirishima bent down to Izuku. "You know Yu says the exact same thing."

'Must be why she's the only sane one in this hospital some times.'

"Always nagging me on doing my job "correctly". Like am I not?"

'Didn't he just talk about giving kids injuries?'

"Honestly, sometimes I feel like all Yu does is-"

"What about me?"

Kirishima and Izuku tensed up to see a very angry Yu. "So. That's how you thought of me Kirishima. I see."

"U-um Yu? That was just a joke-"

"No, no I get it. I see that you truly wanted your life expectancy to be shortened." Yu grabbed Kirishima by the collar and dragged him away. "Let's have a long, private talk, yeah?"

"Y-yu it hurts. Let go please. I'm sorry! Just don't- AHHHH"

As Kirishima's screams echoed through the hospital auditorium, Izuku chose to ignore it and wheeled away. "Alright, what do we need to help with?"

"Hey Mineta! Let's go take a break!" Uraraka yelled out.

Izuku put down his paper snowflakes. "I don't know why, but being called that irritates me! My name is Midoriya!"

Uraraka smirked. "That's what I said right?"

"No! Just because we have the same syllable doesn't mean-"

Uraraka rolled her eyes. "C'mon Deku! We can get Christmas cookies at the cafeteria!"

"Woah, woah, woah, since when did I allow you to call me that." Izuku wheeled himself to Uraraka. "Deku is a privilege name only a certain chosen few can call me."

Uraraka raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't it mean useless?"

Izuku looked stumped. "Well- yes, but I mean-" He went silent. "You know, let's not dwell on it."

Uraraka grabbed Izuku's wheelchair and made way to the cafeteria. As she was humming to herself, Izuku heard her quietly whisper, "As I thought, it's never boring with you."

Izuku slightly blushed. 'I feel the same.'

'These Christmas cookies are good!' Izuku thought while downing his fifth cookie. "What do they put in these? These are literally the best cookies I've ever eaten."

Uraraka seemed to be distracted with something and was unresponsive. Izuku frowned as Uraraka seemed to be immersed in her thoughts. "Ummm Uraraka?"

"Y-yeah?" Uraraka yelped. She was redder than usual and seemed to be sweating. "Did you say something?"

"Ummm yeah. Are you going to finish those." Izuku pointed at Uraraka's plates of cookies. "I swear they put cocaine or something in these. These are too good to be JUST cookies."

"U-um Izuku!"

Izuku stopped to look up from stuffing his face with green Christmas cookies. Uraraka was blushing from ear to ear, and was slightly fidgeting. "Hm? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?"

"D-do you-" Uraraka took a deep breath. "Do you want to be my d-d-date for the Christmas dance?"

Izuku's jaw unhinged as his body rose to a thousand degrees. "U-um-" Izuku fumbled with his words as he felt the kicking of his stomach. 'WHAT?! Ok Izuku don't panic. Let's just think what just happened. Uraraka just asked me to be her date for the Christmas dance. Does that mean-'

Izuku looked towards Uraraka who was quickly stealing glances. Their eyes met which caused them to blush even harder and look away. 'AHHHHHHH. WHAT DO I DO? Alright Izuku, calm. She's probably just having fun messing with you again. She'll just tease you when you accept. Although.' Izuku took a deep gulp. 'If it was genuine, I guess I wouldn't... really... mind... Not that I like her or amything!'

Izuku took a deep breath and said in a shaky voice, "I-if you don't mind me then... yes."

Uraraka's face glowed up, but got red again after realzing her reaction. She quietly nodded and ran off.

"W-woah!" Uraraka brushed off Dr. Aizawa as she ran away, skipping. "Don't run in the halls Uraraka!" He called out after her.

Aizawa sighed and turned to Izuku. "There you are. I was looking for you. Let"s go back to your room and do a check up-"

Izuku still in disbelief to what just had happened sat there, mouth gaping wide.

"Umm Midoriya?" Aizawa noticed the empty plates of Christmas cookies. "Woah! How many did you eat?!"

"...15." Izuku muttered out.

"Jesus Christ, we might also have to do a blood test too. These cookies are filled with pure sugar. Anyway, let's go-"

"Hey Aizawa."

"That's Dr. Aizawa to you."

Izuku turned to Aizawa. "What- what do I wear to a dance?"

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