Cold Resolve

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"Good! C'mon you're almost there Izuku! A little more!" The nurse encouraged.

Izuku grunted back as he staggered towards the finish line. "Was walking always this hard?!" He gripped the support bars on the side tightly as he made his way through the track. "Is this how babies feel?!"

"Oh stop groaning." A male nurse said through the intercom. To the right of Izuku, there was a glass wall which three other nurses monitered Izuku and kept track of his condition. The other nurse was by Izuku's side screaming positive feedback into his ears.

"Hey Ragdoll stop screaming into his ears like that. We can't make another patient deaf again." The nurse who previously had gone... mumbly commanded.


"Hey that wasn't on us. It was a 100% your fault Mandalay." Ragdoll replied.

"Hey. Who knew that toddlers with hearing aids could deafen them. Not me." Mandalay defended.

"You GAVE the hearing aid to him!"

"He wouldn't stop crying until I gave it to him! What was I supposed to do?"

"How have you not been fired yet?!"

"I made the hospital sign a very malicious contract that wouldn't let them fire me until I'm 40." Mandalay proudly pronounced. "Only way to keep a job in this damn economy."

"Umm excuse me?" Izuku interrupted. "Terribly sorry to interrupt your cat-fight (ha get it? Cause you know- wild wild pussy cat and the term cat fight is- you know what? Forget it.) but I seem to have a bit of difficulties walking. I am in immense pain, especially around the face area."

Ragdoll turned to see Izuku flat-faced on the floor. Izuku raised his arms as a desperate act of requesting help. "As the young-uns would say, 'Help, I've fallen and can't get back up!'"

"Oh dear." Pixie-bob muttered. "I fear for the future."

"Hello, I am Dr. Sasaki from Tokyo Public Hospital. How do you do?" Dr. Sasaki extended a hand.

Nezu gave a firm hanshake and gestured towards the hallway. "This way doctor." Nezu guided. "The patient is currently in one of our private rooms."

"Oh? A rich brat?"

"No, she was just too loud for us to handle and the private room was the most sound-proof." Nezu sighed. "Prepare yourself for a lot of sarcastic remarks."

Dr. Sasaki pushed up his glasses and coldy stated. "I need to return to Tokyo by next week. Let's hope she isn't too much trouble."

"You were informed of the patient's condition, yes?"

"Who do you think I am? I read the file on my way here. However-" Dr. Sasaki pushed up his glasses once more. "-I doubt an atrial septostomy would do anything at this late of a stage."

Nezu clenched his fist in a knowing manner. "We'll have to try anyway, don't we?" Nezu approached a door and knocked. "The patient is in this room."

Dr. Sasaki slammed opened the door to reveal.... an empty room? "Dr. Nezu?"


"Are you sure this is the room where the patient is kept?"

"Yes I'm fairly certain. She just enjoys hiding in places like a rat."

"Who you callin' a rat punk?!" A voice above yelled.

Dr. Sasaki looked up to see a young girl in her teens, holsting herself up in the corner of the room. 'What the fuck is wrong with country people?'

"Urataka get down from there!" Nezu commanded.

"Yeeees sirrr." Uraraka reluctantly climbed down. "Calls me a rat when you're the size of one." She muttered.

"Hello, Ochako Uraraka, I'm Dr. Sasaki-"

"You don't have to tell me. Doubt I'll remember it anyway." Uraraka said, bored. She walked over to her bed and jumped on it. "Damn this is the kind of beds rich people get in hospitals? Holy heck this feels softer than my youthful skin-"

Dr. Sasaki interrupted with a cough. "As you have been informed, your surgery will take place in two days. If you have any issues, I will be the one to address it. Please do whatever to prepare for it."

Uraraka sighed and looked glumly to the side. "I don't know why you even bother. It's not like it's going to change anything." Uraraka whispered.

Dr. Sasaki said nothing back and simply walked out the room. Right before he left, he quietly said over his shoulder, "Don't worry. I'll make sure it'll change something. Because that's what doctors do."

"So, how'd you do?" Kirishima asked.

"I don't know, does the bandages on my face give away the answer?" Izuju sarcastically replied. "Can't believe they had me practice walking even after I had literally collapsed. They're sadistic I swear."

"But you can walk now!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"I wouldn't be in a wheelchair if I could." Izuku muttered. "Anyway Kirishima, how-"

Izuku stopped as a man with green and yellow highlights in his hair passed by. He felt a cold determination inside the man; a calculative resolve that could judge someone's character with a glance.

Izuku met his eye with this cold man, he nodded in greeting and brisked away. "You guys had a doctor like that?"

"He looks to good of a doctor for our hospital to employ." Kirishima snorted. "I'm pretty sure half of our doctors don't even have degrees."

"That's...concerning." Izuku stated. Kirishima laughed it off and continued his way to drop off Izuku.
Kirishima hummed a little tune as he made his way.

"Into the bed you go~." Kirishima carried Izuku, bridal-style into his bed. "I've gotta say, you've gotten awfully used to being carried like a girl. Don't go and fall for the handsome, charasmatic me okay? Mina would NOT like that. ...Or would she? I mean she is a big fujoshi-"

"Aaaand we stop there! I swear everything you say is NSFW-" Izuku sighed.  "You can go now."

"You're so mean!" Kirishima faked cried. "You used me and now you're throwing me away! I see how it is... I didn't mean anything to you after all."

"Stop that. It's creeping me out." Izuku cringed. "What was that part again about Mina being mad?"

"Tch. Fine then." Kirishima pouted. "Need anything else? Food? Questions? Services?"

"Nope. Just go away." Izuku shooed. Kirishima waved goodbye and turned away to leave. "Wait actually-"

"What is it? Pent up? Want me to deliver some-"

"NO. STOP. YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE THAT TRAIN OF THOUGHT." Izuku commanded. He cleared his throat. "I was just wondering, is there any news about..."

Kirishima smiled. "Hehe what's this? Missing your girlfriend? I knew you were into her!"

"No it's not that! It's just-"

"There's nothing. There's nothing. She probably just needs some space. I have to go now. Bye!" He hurridly reassured.

"Kirishima wait-" Kirishima bolted out the door leaving Izuku with a mind full of questions. "Well shit. What do I do now?"

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