Rising Action

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"Ahh it's so cold." Izuku shivered. "Why did it have to get so cold as soon as it hit December 1st?"

"Now, now; you'll be able to get some exercise in physical therapy. That should warm you up a bit." A nurse reassured.

Izuku pouted as he stared on what was before him. It looked as if it was a driving test route for small cars. "So? When do we start?"

The nurse patiently smiled. "When the doctor comes here of course! Don't worry he'll come soon!"

"Ummm... excuse me?"

"JUST WAIT! HE'LL COME SOON I SWEAR! Y-you believe me right?" The nurse frantically asked.

"O-oh of course! Just wondering where he is... haha..." Izuku awkwardly laughed. 'What the hell is wrong with all the nurses at this hospital?'

Just right then, the door flew open as a man in a white coat walked in and whispered into the ears of the nurse. The nurse's eyes became devoid of life as she turned to Izuku. "Um... what's your name again?"

"I-izuku Midoriya."

She let out an empty sigh. "The doctor can't make it. So your therapy will be delayed to next week."

"A-alright then. Thanks." Izuku warily thanked, signaling for Kirishima to wheel him the hell out of there.

As they were leaving, Izuku heard the nurse mutter as she aggressively bit her nails, "I betrayed the trust of the patient again. He'll never trust me and every time we meet he'll spit at my direction. I'll be a laughingstock! What will I do? Maybe I should sneak into his room and apologize. Yeah that's it! Maybe some cookies as gift. I'll have to put my hair in it too so that he'll know I'm sincere-"

'Scary! What's up with her?!' Izuku shivered. 'I definitely won't eat any coookies given to me. Not in this hospital.' Izuku looked up to Kirishima. "Hey Kirishima?"

"Yeah? What's up? You want me to push you faster? Not enough thrill for you?"

"No, why would I-" Izuku shook his head and got back on topic. "I was just wondering why the doctor couldn't come."

Kirishima looked at him with a defeated face. "Hell if I know. I'm too underpaid for me to know anything."

"Tch. Useless."

"Excuse me?! I currently have full functionality as your legs you know?! I am the leading cause of your mobility! If I wanted to I could end your walking career permanently!" Kirishima retorted.

"Never needed them anyway." Izuku muttered under his breath.

Just then, a group of doctors rushed by, rambling on amd instructing passing nurses random orders. In between, was Doctor Aizawa, who was passing a document to a tiny doctor in front of him. "-But Nezu-"

The mouse-sized figure shut him up by whisking the document away. "Impossible. It's not a matter of emotion Shota. It's a matter of skill. The chances are too low."

Aizawa desperately tried to counterpoint, "But if we do succeed-"

Nezu seemed to sigh and handed the documents back to Aizawa after quickly browsing through it. "Look Shoto, I understand why you feel like this, but our surgeons aren't skilled for such a delicate process. And besides even if we...." Nezu and Aizawa argued back and forward as they continued to march along the hallway.

"What was that all about?" Izuku wondered to himself.

Kirishima simply shrugged. "Maybe Ahokina's liver busted again."

"Don't even joke about that. It might be true." Izuku snorted.

From behind, Yu was rushing while on the phone. She noticed Izuku and she flashed a quick smile and continued to speed walk behind the doctors.

Izuku turned to Kirishima who stared at the mass collection of nurses and doctors who were following right behind Yu. "Hey Kirishima? Seems like everyone but you know. Are you being bullied?"

Kirishima stayed silent as he studied the ongoing mass. He then gained a solemn look and turned away. Kirishima then gripped the wheelchair and continued his way to Izuku's room.

"Kirishima? Hello? Hey don't ignore me!" Izuku complained.

"H-hm? What is it?" Kirishima seemed to wake up from a trance. "Need something?"

"Are you okay? You went blank for a second there."

"Ah. Yeah. It's fine." Kirishima brushed off. He continued to brush off any questions Izuku had until he arrived at the room, in where he promptly left.

Nezu bolted in the emergency room as he put on a fresh mask and gloves. "Report."

A nurse approached with a clipboard and read off the details. "Patient isn't in any critical risk at the moment. She had just collapsed due to the heart overworking. It's been managed to a stable stage with a ventilator. However, the ventilator can only do so much, especially at a stage this late."

"At most what would you give her?"

"With only medication? Half a year."

Nezu furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Could we get in touch with the surgeons in Tokyo?"

"Yes. They said that they'll be here in 2 weeks."

"Make it one. We have no idea when her heart will give up."

"Alright doctor." The nurse headed outside to go make the phone call.

Aizawa shortly entered again, breathing heavily. "Nezu!"

Nezu turned to Aizawa and put a finger to his lips. "Please be quiet in a hospital Shota. Take a deep breath and calm down."

Aizawa sighed and paused for a moment. "My apologies. Doctor Nezu, we have some bad news."

Nezu lowered his head and guided Aizawa to a corner of the room. "Let's hear it."

Izuku layed on his bed bored out of his mind. Doctor Aizawa had not appeared for his daily treatment and the nurses had not come either to check on him.

'Where is everyone?.' Izuku sighed. "Good riddance."

Letting his mind wonder, he thought back onto Uraraka. 'Wonder where she's right now? It's already been a week.' Izuku remembered how hollow she sounded when they last talked. 'I can't make the same mistakes again. Even if we can't have the relationship we had before, I need to face this.'

Izuku smiled to himself in disbelief as he shut his eyes. 'I've just been running away this whole time. Can't believe I haven't seen it all this time. Uraraka, whenever I see you again, I'll make it right this time. I'll say the thing I couldn't say. And then maybe...' With that incomplete thought, Izuku fell asleep.

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