Fujio ( smut)

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Me and Fujio have been friends for most of our life . We grew up in the same estate and I didn't even realize but I started to develop a crush on him . But he's to good for me. I'm always trying to set him up but he seems like he has a crush on someone .

We are hanging out at my small apartment.

I always like to study his handsome face when I noticed something.

It wasn't unusual for him to have wounds because he fights alot . But he had a big cut on his lip.

Y/N-"you really should stop loosing in theses fights " I said while I was laughing because I knew this comment annoyed him.

I walked to the medical kit and grabbed everything I needed.

Fujio-"hey! Who said I lost!"

I gave him "the eyes" and smirked slightly.

He was sitting on the couch and I went and sat next to him. My hand reached up to his lip with the paper towel and gently brushed away some blood. I didn't notice at first but ... He was looking straight into my eyes .

Fujio's pov
I wanted to say something but before I could she started touching my lip. She was so gentle and it kinda turned me on. What made it worse was the shirt she was wearing allowed me to see down her .... I needed to stop looking so I looked back at her eyes slightly flustered.

She looked back to the medical kit to get a bandaid and when she looked back at me , she started to put the bandaid on.

I didn't even realize she had finished and was just looking at me with her hand gently brushing my lips.

I couldn't help it. He seemed distracted so I just admired him.


Fujio didn't answer he seemed to have his words caught in his throat and couldn't make a sound.

Y/N-"Fujio I... I .. I love you!"

He looked at me with an expression I didn't recognize.

Before I could do anything he put his hands delicately on my neck and moved closer to my face .

He kept moving closer until are lips met. I'm surprised it didn't hurt his lip but he seemed to not care. This was my answer .

His hands moved from my neck down to my waist and in one quick movement he pulled me onto his lap .

I gasped as I felt something underneath me . He groaned slightly as I moved my hips.

Fujio-"e-easy o-n the hips"

Im a virgin but I understood what I did. I kinda liked how he reacted so... I did it again earning another groan from him.

Before I knew it had worked up a pace and I started to feel good.

Fujio had moved down my face and onto my neck. I couldn't help but moan a little. He got down to my collarbone and his hands where grabbing at the bottom of my shirt.

His hands moved under the fabric and eventually he through the thing off.

I was left in my pink lace bra and shorts. His hands moved to the back of my bra and unclipped it swiftly.

I was surprised. And tried to cover his face so he couldn't see by kissing him again.

His hands played with my nipples and he made me moan his name.

Fujio-"you wanna, really moan my name?"

I didn't know what he meant until he took my underwear down under my skirt and he undid his zip.

I took the initiative and slid his boxers down slightly and accidentally brushed his tip with my hands. He through his head back in enjoyment so I did it again . My hand was small so I wrapped my whole hand around him and started moving up and down slowly, teasingly slow.

He grabbed my arm and put them behind me , he grabbed the back of my thighs and suddenly pushed me into him.

I screamed out of both pain and pleasure . Before I knew he moved me faster and faster. It was unbelievable .

After a loud moan we both came together.

The end
Who would you like to see next.
(I know all the characters so any I'll do)

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now