Saicho Ueada (smut)

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It was late . I would say 10:30pm. And it was very dark outside except for the small illumination from the flickering street lights .

I was walking back to my apartment after I had just done something .. important.

I was wearing a black hoodie and a skirt with black boots.

I thought nothing off it at first but when I heard the voices behind me getting louder and louder I looked back and saw tall men in black outfits.

Man1-"hey beautiful"

Man2-"you shouldn't be out this late , there are weird people about"

I was about to walk away when I felt a hand up my skirt.

Immediately I spin round and grab the guys arm. Without showing any emotion , I look him straight in the eye and twist his arm until I'm sure it's broken.

The pathetic dude is lying on the floor whimpering .

Man1-"HEY! You fucking phsyco!" 

He raises his hand as if he's about to punch me but I duck quickly . When he's open I punch him in the side of the mouth. When he cowers I grab his collar and punch him again to give him a bloody nose.


I look back to see a man running at me so I move to avoid his strike effortlessly. I was about to finish the guy off when I heard other voices in the distance.

There seemed to be people wearing white clothing coming towards my direction.

Saicho-"hey guys , scram!"

I seem to recognize this kind of outfit. It's not Oya high ....the other one.

Y/N-"oi! I don't need a man to come and save me!"

When a man steps closer I could see his face under the street lamp and I could just make out an expression I'd never seen before. He was taken aback by my confidence but he was trying to hide the fact I caught him off guard.

Saicho-"I haven't seen you around , what's your name" .

Y/N-"it's none of your business"

It was late . I was tired. And I just wanted to go home.

Y/N-"well it's been great talking to you but something urgent came up"

I make no effort to cover my sarcasm .

I walk past them and back to my house.

The next day
I decided to do some research on the man I met yesterday . Did I mention I'm a hacker , I can get into any system and nothing gets by me .

After I found out everything I need to know about him .I felt bad for how rude I was yesterday. I found his address so I thought I would go apologize.

I walk up to his door . I knock.

No response for a while and I thought about leaving. ... Although there was movement was panicked as if I caught him in the middle of something .

The door opened finally to a rather sweaty and surprised Saitcho. It him me what he must have been doing . I hope he was thinking about me. God what am I saying , the thought just came into my head .

I didn't even realize he had said something.

Y/N-"oh umm.. we met yesterday"

Saicho-"yeah I remember you, um you maybe... want to come in? "

Saicho's pov
To be honest , I couldn't stop thinking about her . Her attitude was different than anyone else and her long legs in that skirt . And now her beautiful face which I have a better view of now.

I've never really felt like this before but I wanted to try something.

This seems fun. I have something in mind . He's weak right now . I walk in and he shuts the door. I didn't have any time to do anything before I was pinned against the wall .

Saicho-"if you don't want me to do this , then tell me now"

I didn't speak.

Saicho-" good"

I felt his breath get closer to me until he finally reached my lips. He kissed me gently until he got more violent. He wanted access and I allowed him .

My hand where on his shoulders but I started to slowly trace my hand down his figure , my hand reached the bottom of his shirt where I waited to see if he'd stop me. My hand slid up under his shirt a little feeling all the details of his body . I knew where he wanted me so I gave it to him. My hand moved under his belt. Under his boxers.

He was hard and frustrated as he didn't finish the job. My hand touched the tip gently causing a moan from him .

Y/N-"sensetive huh?"

I smiled into the kiss. I circled the  tip with my fingers until I gave in and decided to take it further. I broke this kiss and moved down his body until I got to his belt.

I looked up at him for consent and he didn't stop me. .

I took his shorts down along with his boxers. I out my mouth to the tip and teasingly licked the tip moving down until his while dick was in my mouth. He couldn't control his moans .

Saicho-" fuck !"

I could tell he was almost there and it was confirmed when I tasted his cum. I licked the tip again trying to get every last bit and I came back up to kiss him .

He was panting. 

Y/N-"my name's Y/N , don't forget it"

I walked out of the house blowing a kiss.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now