Tsukasa (smut)

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I watched as the liquid paint sprayed out of the can onto the wall . Leaving a trail of black onto the brick. 

I moved my hand and the trail of paint followed in the motions.

As I stained the wall ,i frequently took a step back to admire my 'work' if you could call it that.

I had been spraypainting for years as sort of a pass time. But this one was different.

You see , certain parts the place I live are 'owned' by assholes who think they're better than you just cause they have a few tattoos and roll their r's on certain words.

Normally , that is enough to intimidate the wrong people out of their territory.

Not me

I've been in, let's call it 'disagreement' with the people who like to claim this certain area as their own. Bullshit to that .

This is where I grew up , where I had my first smoke , first dance , first kiss , first encounter with the police....

If I wanted to leave this area , and let those fucking idiots take over this place then it would no longer feel like home.

I though to myself, as I painted the wall , finishing up the last touches of black and even some last minute highlights with white.

I dropped the can as it slipped from my hand but I didn't care.

I moved backwards in order to take in the full size of the wall covered in the last half hour I spent colouring it.

I chuckled to myself upon reading it back.

                "Burn in hell, Oya"

i read the insult back in my head a couple times , laughing with the thought of those guys finding it for the first time

The way they would get unreasonably mad because they have an unnatural amount of testosterone or something .

I start packing away my things into my backpack. Paint cans was pretty much all I had in my there.

As I was trying to shove the half emty black spray can into my bag , I started to hear something in the background.

It wasn't loud at first but as the sound became increasingly louder I could tell that it was people,  who were moving...

Towards my direction.

Pretty quickly too

I didn't panic though , whoever it was I could take them

Even if it was Tsukassa , the leader who thinks he's big and strong just because he's cold and distant even though he's just being a dick. 

I quickly put my backpack on and started walking in the other direction . I decided that , my hard work couldn't go to waste on a reaction from those guys that I have to imagine in my head.

I want to see it for real.

I hid behind the other side of the wall , out of the way of their sight.

As they approached , the smell of paint chemicals was more noticeable than the blatant profanity marked on the wall .

Fujio-"guys wait , what the fuck is that smell"
Fujio stopped in his tracks and the other guys who walked a little bit ahead of him stopped too when he mentioned it.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now