Hyuga (smut)

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I put on my best poker face as I sat lazily back in my chair, slouched with my feet up on the side of the table.

The crowd around us was watching intently

My opponent

I smirked on the inside knowing that whatever card he pulled up next , confidently or not , that I would be the one with the money at the end of the day.

Is cheating really that bad?

He shakily looks up at me , my slanted eyes burning a hole through his presence.

Crowd-"put a card down already!"

He looks back , afraid...

His sweaty palms clutched a 4 of hearts

The material folded under his touch, he put it down on the cigarette stained table.

I chuckled

Releasing my lazy posture, I straightened up .

And placed a 7 of hearts

Winning the game.

The crowd cheared and shouted my name, the people who bet on me tonight can enjoy the victory , as I enjoy mine

Well... its not like I ever use the money on myself

But what else am I suppose to do? I have to support my mothers treatment. No one else will.

The ungrateful cow doesn't even know what I go through for her ....

??? Pov

I was sitting on my chair , leaning back into it.

???-"that can't be right"

I narrowed my eyes on her.

???-"ive been trying to figure out how"

Worker-"how what?"

I got up suddenly and without looking at him said

???-"how she's cheating "

Y/N pov

I was watching the owner of this joint stare at me for the past 2 hours.

Its best if I get out of here quickly , the trick is to never stay in one place too long.

I get up quickly after collecting the money.

The crowd barely even noticed my small figure slip out of the gaps like a shadow.

I could see the door.

Only a few steps now

I was there , until I saw an arm firmly block the exit.

The arm , draped in red silk capped with white accents, belonged to the owner who escaped my view.

I sighed.

Looked up

Y/N-"is there a problem ?"

He smirked.

He leaned in closer

I could see his eyes were attacking me , trying to find a slip in my body language

A cheater never gives anything away.

Hyuga-"do you think I'm stupid?"
He scoffed out the words.

I moved my head to the side

Y/N-"do you really want me to answer that?"

He chuckled

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now