Koo (smut)

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There was a sea of pink , the trees were cotton candy with various other confectionery sprinkled around.

In the distance birds chirping could be heard and then later be seen flapping their neon coloured wings .

It smells sweet like honey and the ground i walk on is smooth like soft grass.

There was a magical unicorn , I approached the strange looking creature and reached my hand out to pet it .

It opened its mouth and spoke in a familiar voice.


I was confused , so I took a step back

The unicorn started shape-shifting as the scenery behind it warped into the boring mix of brown and white of my school classroom. 

???-"Y/N wake up!"

My eyes darted open once I realised it wasn't a unicorn , it was my math teacher.

"Shit" I thought

This is the third time he's caught me sleeping in his class.

The whole class burst out laughing,  like they usually do when I have to be woken up by a teacher.

Random student-"thats how boring this class is sir!"

He exclaimed 

The class clown made everyone laugh again.

He leaned down to my desk while everyone was distracted. 

K-"stay behind after class"

He looked at me sternly and tapped my desk as he left to go to the front of the class.

K-"settle down everyone!"

The class took a few seconds to be completely silent.

The lesson continues

He was talking about math which made me want to sleep again.

The warped image of him as a unicorn was really off-putting and I couldn't focus the whole lesson.

I was left to ponder with my head in my hands and occasionally write down some equations in my book.

I was exited because this is the last lesson of the day, but I wouldn't be let out on time.

My mother doesn't get back from work until late so its okay , she only gets the reports of my behaviour once every 3 months.  I have only two months left where she won't bother me about school and grades.

Again , I was lost in thought. I didn't even realise everyone packing up they're items until I heard someone slam their pencil case into their bag behind me.

Immediately I got up and put my book in my bag . If I just walk out, will he notice?

Its worth a shot.

I walked out amongst the crowd that was eager to get out the door.

I almost made it out

K-"Y/N wait"

I closed my eyes and sighed. I walked out of the way of everyone else.

Random student-"goodnight sleepy head"


He ran out laughing with his friends.

The teacher closed the door behind everyone. 

He turned and stood by his desk

K-"you can sit"

Y/N-"oh..its okay, i'll stand" 

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now