Binzo (smut)

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It was late , I was minding my own business smoking my cigarette slowly in peace. Hood up , although too hot to wear joggers , so I was wearing a pair of shorts.

The streets around where I'm from aren't notorious for being the safest , especially for someone of the female gender , and especially not at this time.

For one , I don't care . Anyone who wanted to take me on would learn the hard way that it's the wrong decision.

I was passing a rather lively bar filled with drunk old men , shifty business men , or shifty men with women half their age who just wanna make some money.

Shitty men.

The coloured light spilled out from the bar and dampened the dreary black of the sidewalk in the nighttime. The neon light of the letters of the bar reflected on the puddle that I just stepped in.

In accordance to the splash from the puddle when I stepped in it , I heard the slurred vocals of a man behind me.

???-"hey darling..."

From the following footsteps in the puddle I passed , I could tell there was more than the one person who slurred his words at me.

I carried on as if the words that came out of his mouth were nothing but a blow of the wind.

Although it was becoming harder and harder to blissfully ignore the hoard behind me when with every step I took they seemed to get more and more upset.

???-"hey darling...."

He said more insistently this time , raising his raspy voice an octave higher to catch my attention.

Still nothing from me

???-"hey girl! Don't you know its rude to ignore someone who is talking to you"

A wave of drunken laughter followed .

I was paying no attention , until I found an unwelcome hand on my shoulder.

I stopped for once , and the hand attempted to spin me round to face them

My reflexes kicked in and as soon as I feel the pressure being put on my shoulder , I reach up . Grab it. And shove it off me too the side, making the already drunkenly impared man fall slightly to the side .

I couldn't keep walking this time

???-"ohhh feisty"

One of the bloodshot men says

???-"I like that in a woman"

Says another one

They started laughing, a chorus of wheezing from lifetime of wasting away their life in bars just like the one they crawled out of today.

I looked down at the ground , kicked my feet together casually as I took the last slow drag of my cigarette before flicking it on the floor and tapping out the dwindling orange ember to nothingness beneath my shoe.

I blew out the smoke and looked up to meet someone finally.

I walked up closer to one , showing I'm not afraid of some lowlife scum like him

Y/N-"the fuck did you just say to me?"

I say in one tone , showing I want a quick answer . Not here to fuck about.

The shady fellow looks at me in the eyes with a grin showing of his stained grey teeth

???-"I said I like my women feisty"

He puts his hand out in attempt to caress the side of my cheek .

I grab it , the side of his hand where his thumb is . I grabbed the thumb and used the force of my fingers on the other side of his hand to compress the whole bone structure together. Crushing the nerves inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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