Murayama Yoshiki (smut)

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Part 2 ♡

It was 3 and a half weeks since...whatever happened in Oya High and I had made that deal with Murayama.

I was in his apartment waiting for him to get back , he was out doing something with his little friends . He doesn't like it when I call them that.

It makes me laugh

I was sitting on the couch.

But I had an idea .

I was lucky to have been caught bu Murayama and not anyone else , I probably would've died that night if not for him. So , for that. I appreciate him

I got up from the couch , then I walked to his bedroom. Our bedroom.... a bedroom we share....

Whatever it is it has my clothes in the closet.

I bought out the two piece black lace underwear set i was wearing when we had our first... encounter... at Oya High.

He always wanted me to be comfortable around him , he offers me his clothes sometimes but I always refused just because I'm that type of person and to be completely honest, I didn't trust him and I was just waiting for the month to be over. But , I fell for him

I picked out one of his shirts he had previously offered to me.

I put the underwear on then the shirt on top. I found a random pair of black shorts and put them on. The shirt was too big for me , however it doesn't matter for what I'm planning.

I walked out of the room and sat back on the couch.

I was here for a while until I heard the door open. Revealing Murayama. 

I smiled and walked over to him

The first thing he noticed was my appearance,  the shirt I was wearing,. And the shorts which I've  ever actually worn around him.

Murayama-"woah , whats the occasion?"

I went up to him and put my hands on his shoulders , elevating me to his height so I could kiss him.

Y/N-"the month is almost over " 

He was upset by this

Y/N-"And I've decided, I will be your girlfriend " I smiled

So did he

M-"seriously! You will!"

He picked me up and spent me around before landing on the sofa.

He was laying on top of me.

My hands were on his shoulders.

Y/N-"yes really " I gently pushed him off me and got up.

Y/N-"and , as a thank you for not killing me that day"

M-"no matter how many times you asked" he laughed.

Y/N-"shutup" I smiled

Y/N-"anyway , as a thank you I  wanted to do something nice"

He put his hand on my shoulder

M-" well I appreciate it"

Y/N-"thats not it"

M-"what..there's more" he took his hand back.

I nodded.

I then put my hands underneath my shirt , and took it off.

He looked down immediately at my body.

Recognising the underwear at first glance.

Y/N-"remember these?"

M-" could I forget"

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now