Yuken Odajima (smut)

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♤ My birthday today ♧

There was commotion all off yesterday as soon as I got home from work.

I was too tired yesterday as I work night shifts but when I was woken up by the sound of the apartment next door being so loud. I was angry to say the least.

But I was tired and I really didn't want to cause a scene because I'm not that type of "confrontational" person .

I was about to grasp my pillow over my ears to try block out all of the sound when I heard a knock on my door. I wondered if it was just another random noise but after a minute or something it happened again.

Felling bad I left someone waiting for so long , I ran to the door.

When I opened it I saw and unfamiliar face.

He smiled

??-"hey.. I'm so sorry for the noise"

??-"im moving in next door , I guess your my neighbour "

I was looking at him. He was about my age , maybe a few years older .

Y/N-"oh . Um yeah. I'm your neighbour " I smiled "my name is Y/N"

Y-"nice to meet you , I'm Yuken" he put his hand out and I shook it.

Y-"well I should probably get going then "

Y/N-"um. Do you maybe want some help"

I didn't feel tired at all by this point ,but I wanted to be nice anyway.

Y-"oh you really don't have to but thanks for the offer"

I was kinda sad by his response because I wanted to spend time to get to know him

He waved his hand to me and started walking.

I was in the process of closing my door when he stopped mid way.

He turned round

Y-"i know I said its okay, but I would really appreciate some help actually.."

I smiled and opened my door

Y-"i just felt bad by asking"

I closed my door behind me

Y/N-"dont worry , I'm happy to help"

We walked the small distance to his apartment door which was already open.

He led me in and closed the door.

There was boxes with random stuff adorned around the room , which was the exact same layout as mine.

Y/N-"do you want me to help you unpack?"

I turned round to him

Y-"yes please , there are some boxes over there labelled "リビングルーム"
(Living room)

I walked over to the box with him .

It was already opened at the top.

Y-"i just want to get them out the box so I can place them easily"


We both started taking random things out

Framed photos , pillows , candles and other things

There was something at the bottom of the box when we had taken everything else out.

I reached down to get it

Yukens pov
I was about to grab the last thing when she leaned over .

My eyes widened when I realised I could see right down her shirt .

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now