Yuken Odajima (smut)

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I can't even begin to tell you how I managed to get in this position . Working for one of the biggest gangs in Tokyo.

My boss , Yuken . I despised him . Right...yes I hate him. He's just really hot...shut up Y/N why would you even think that.

I think alot of things as I daydream at my desk chair. I wonder if I will ever work a normal job.

I work on computers , as a gang . We're obviously a big target for scammers or other people trying to invade our privacy..

Who knew a fully functional computer science degree would get me working somewhere so strange.

As much as I don't like this job , I need it and they need me. I don't want to know where the money comes from but I make alot of the stuff working here.

Our department is quite small , we are the geekiest of geeks. The people you would pick on in school. Thoes types of people. We're like the verbal punching bag of our boss. Sometimes I want to just put him in his place and tell him to go away. But the consequences ....I don't want to think about tha-

Y-"Sooooo how are my .... wonderful....  nerds doing" he says obnoxiously as he walks through the door. His smirk , so annoying it makes me want to punch him and at the same time kiss him , taking away the expression and leaving it with one of confusion-

Y-"looking scared as always"

He walks over to a desk chair and sits on it , hunched over with his feet in the table. Lacing his fingers with each other.

He says my name and I'm confused , usually I'm not the subject of his insults but when he does talk to me it makes me feel to many emotions and I just want to zone out.

Y-"that shirt your wearing , is a but see through isn't it?" He says with extreme sas and I can't take it any more. One more word from him and I swear i'll-

He gets up and leans down over my desk facing me.

Y-"trying to impress me huh?"

I couldn't take it anymore . I looked at him , made sure he was taking in every single one of my movements.


As my hand came down . His face was glued to the direction I hit his face in.

He chuckled , a deep laugh.
His tounge moved to the side of his cheek where he gently placed his hands on the place my hand was.

He smirks. What did I expect from someone so fucked up.

He gets up from his position and walks to the door.

I'm confused as to what is going  to happen when...


Y-"follow me" his voice was unlike anything I had ever heard before. Something about his voice made me feel obligated to follow him wherever he goes.

He starts walking away with his easy stride.

I'm annoyed at the fact he has me at some sort of hold I can't break out of... Who am I kidding? I could easily break out of it....but I don't want to .... I want him...

Fuck it

I follow on , intrigued , nervous .. but I wasn't scared.

As we walked I recognized the route to his office as I had to put files in here most of the time.

He opened the door and waits for me to walk in first.

Some sort of power trip I wasn't going to play into. So, just to annoy him ...

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now