Rocky (smut)

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Sorry I haven't written here in a while 😔💜

It was Friday. Most people's favourite day , my least favourite. My name Is Y/N and I am a singer at a bar. In high school and left alone by parents I have to do everything by myself so that includes making money. The job isn't bad because I like singing and playing my guitar but the bars I sing in are...not the best. I live in a bad neighborhood where gangs would fight each other , people would steal and assult each other and you could never go out a dark unless you had a death wish. But here I am , walking down the dimly lit streets of Japan walking to one of the biggest and most lively club on a Friday where everyone is most likely to be. Everyone. 

Somehow I arrive in one piece . I was earlier than everyone else because I needed to set everything up. The strange old man who runs the club came up to me.

???- "hey I'm Ren-san, you must be Y/N."

I looked at him and smiled while nodding. He reeks of weed and alchahol , his black glasses probably covering up bloodshot and sleepy eyes. His smile a little to warm, borderline sinister.

Ren-san-" well you should probably get set up , I would help but... I like an independent woman" he says the last sentence with a chuckle. Obviously a smoker , even if you couldn't tell from the his breath .his voice is raspy and painful.

I smile and walk away feeling uncomfortable.

I could feel his eyes burning into my back and I was just hoping that he wouldn't approach me.

Worker-"hey Boss, which menu are we using today?!"

I could hear him sigh out loud showing obvious dissatisfaction with the fact he has to stop staring at my ass for five minutes and actually has to do his job.

Relieved he left , I could work much quicker and had everything set up in a matter of minutes.

I started checking if my guitar was in tune. Which it was.

Because I entered late I only had to wait ten more minutes for the first people to start pouring in.

Once there was a decent crowd of people , gangs , shady people , drug dealers you name it. I was about to play for them.

Y/N-"alright ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready to party!?"

Even though it was mostly creepy men , the greeting, I felt was necessary.

It was so loud hearing so many people scream indicating there were in fact , "ready to party"

I started playing my first song , impressing everyone in the crowd. 

I look up occasionally to scan the people bellow or just to make uncomfortable eye contact , still "smiling" of course.

I didn't expect to see anyone in particular , but , for the first time in my job. My eyes landed on someone who didn't make me wan to throw up. Probably an asshole with a dickish personality. But he gave me something to look at.

Rocky's pov
I could feel her staring at me. I wanted her to look away so I could resume my admiration of her face. I was flattered she's actually looking at me though.

She wouldn't fall for me. What am I even talking about I have no chance.but I can't seem to take my eyes of her.

Y/N pov
This guy , something about him...

I'm surprised I didn't mess up any notes in my song because of how distracted I was. I looked away because I was scared if he looked over and met my eyes I would trip over my words and make a fool out of myself.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now