Todoroki x Shibaman (smut)

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Sorry its been so long guys , I promise I'll write in here more and I'll do all the requests you send me. Just sometimes I like to do ones no one really asked for . I'm sorry hope you don't mind. Love you all 🥰 if you like these character x character ones then feel free to request.

Todoroki had been crushing on his friend for a while now , but he didn't think he liked boys in that way .

I doesn't matter anyway though , neither of them like guys . They both like girls and thats that.

But when he thinks about him.....
He can't help but feel himself harden ...

Todorokis pov

???-"Todoroki ! You there?" 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sudden movement of my friends hand waving in front of my face trying to get my attention 

My eyes darted towards him signalling I was listening again

Todoroki-"i was listening Tsuji!"

Tsuji-"no you weren't you were staring at the floor"

Todoroki-"i was not!"

I said under my breath because I knew he was right

Just then , I heard the only other person on this rooftop with me and Tsuji...


I heard him laugh , probably at me for zoning out. 

Wow , I can't stop looking at him ... even when his eyes look into mine I can't remove my gaze. He is perfect ...

Stop Todoroki what are you thinking...

Tsuji-"fuck Todoroki what were you thinking!"

My friend exclaims

I immediately feel my face go red

What! Did I say that out loud .. is it really that obvious...does shiba know
....did -

Tsuji-"we all knew it was gonna rain today but you still decided to hang out on the rooftop!"

I close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief

Tsuji puts his hands over his head in attempt to shield himself from the weather

Shiba-"Oi Tsuji you better go inside before your hair is ruined "

He started laughing again

Tsuji-"yeah I'm leaving before this gets any worse"

He goes up to my crush- i mean Shiba...
And pats him on the shoulder

Tsuji-"are you coming ? "

Shiba looks at me and then back at Tsuji

Now they'll both leave me and I'll be alone. .. Great,  that's definitely how I wanted this to go-

Shiba-"no ill stay , I think Todorokis finally lost it "

He says as he looks back at me and this time he doesn't look back at Tsuji ... just at me.

Tsuji-"well good luck with "that"

He says and then lazily waves as the rain gets heavier.

I watch him walk through the door rather quickly in order to stop the rain from creating further damage.

Once he's out of view , it only just hits me.

I'm alone

With him

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now