Todoroki Yosuke (smut)

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School. So unbelievably boring. Can you blame me for trying to make it somewhat barrable?

I'm what some would say...."trouble" . Not a "bad girl" because for whatever reason , bad girls always get friends , boyfriends , popularity , people who like them and when they walk around , people won't hide or run or whisper.

Maybe I'm exaggerating , but in short. No one really likes me. I'm "trouble" to a point where it is not quirky , or unique or OmG So DifFerEnT.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was sitting in class. About to get up and leave because I'm so done with English. People don't even want to talk to me in Japanese , why would they want to talk to me in a very broken English? (Literally me everyday 😑)

The worst the school can do to me is put me in detention or kept me after-school but the outside world is way worse .

Although , in the outside world , I don't have to deal with him.

The "bad boy" , he has everything. A "gang" of  desperate followers of boys who want to be cool. And girls who want to "fix the cold boys heart"
He has power for whatever reason.

Yosuke, Todoroki....

Just thinking about his name makes me retch. .

I was looking out the window , thinking about the next person I want to punch -

Y/T (your teacher)-" Y/N!"

I look up at the person who has a unique skill only teachers have , being able to talk for a whole hour but still not teach me a thing.

Y/T-"have you even been listening!!?"

I look him dead in the eyes .

Y/N-"no , sir"

The whole class is silent . As they always are. So pathetic...

Y/N-"but carry on , I might just start caring about your bullshit. But no promises" I smile .

He starts shouting at me about how I'm so ungrateful and disrespectful. But to be honest , I'm really smart.what else can you be when you start to finish the teachers sentence in your head.everyone is so predictable these days.

Let me guess .
"DetEnTion AftEr SchOol"

Y/T-"detention after school" 

I can't help but burst out laughing. Seriously? I thought him was joking.

Y/N-"fine ,fine."

I said while laughing. I must looks crazy.

The rest of the day went pretty normal. Unbelievably normal . So cookie cutter.

I almost forgot about my after-school detention but I started walking to the gym where I have to sweep the same spot for one hour to making it looks like I'm doing stuff. . This , although annoying , make me feel not so bored.

What else would I do anyway, probably spray paint the local 7/11. Actually that doesn't sound like such a bad ide-

?-Ohhhhh look who it is (Your last name) , (your first name)

From the voice that echoed through the big gym I could already tell who the voice belongs to.

I was so tempted to walk straight back out ,but it would be fun to mess with him .....

Y/N-"Doroki"  I said rolling my R's.

I stood a few feet away from him. 

T-"awww nicknames , so cute . What should your be?" He looked up as if he was thinking.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now