Shibaman (fluff)

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It had been so long since I had  ever been loved. Actually....i can't remember a time when anyone actually cared about me. 

The rare times someone would ever show some sort of interest in me it would only be because of my looks , and how much they want to ....well...

Even though I was the coldest ,most arrogant and most stubborn person in the world. This one boy would not give up.
He wasn't driven away by my personality or my troubled past. He got to know me first and didn't just want me because of my body.

And , here I am. On the couch with my boyfriend of almost four months now . Watching a movie I have absolutely no interest in but loving every moment because I'm with the only person in my life worth living for.

As much as I love him , this movie was so boring.

I was laying my head on his chest . His arm was around my shoulder bringing me closer to him .

I slowly brought my head up and immediately he looked down. I feel so sad when I look at his eyes because he obviously thinks he's done something wrong.

I gave him a little smile , as much as my cold heart can produce. But it was enough to reassure him.

Y/N-"hey , I'm bored can we do something else?"

His eyes lit up thinking of all the ways he could please me. It was so cute I almost laughed.

Me , cold-hearted and stone faced me almost giggled at this man.

Sh-"well ....I could make us some food"

He was sat up at this point , one arm still over my shoulder as I was leaned against the couch , looking up at him.

I shook my head , looking round the room possibly looking for something to do.

Y/N-"there must be something else "

I heard a noise come out of him , he was thinking what to do that could make me happy.

I looked back at him just at the moment his face changed. He looked like a great idea had just came to him. Unfortunately , in the next second the expression was gone.

I giggled
Y/N-"what" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

S-"it's nothing"

Y/N-"come on. Tell me"

S-"your going to think I'm childish"

Y/N-"so , your my boyfriend .I won't judge you"

He looked down , not ready to meet my eyes . Until he finally did. He slowly grew his smile back.

S-"let's build a fort!"

I almost laughed , but I didn't . He was so happy with the idea. For such an intimidating looking person , he really is just a big teddy bear.

The idea was.... different but I really had nothing else to do so...

I got up , I grabbed his hands and pulled him up .

Y/N-"fine" I smiled at him and he smiled back . Hey , we are still just kids , just grown up kids.

After alot of strategic pillow
placement and trial and error , we had something.  

Whatever it was....

There was one more thing it needs , some thing ..but what.. 

I got an idea. There was a lamp . A lamp that changed colors from a deep pink ending in a dark green with all the in-between.

Y/N-"close your eyes"

S-"why?" He said confused but also happy I'm showing some sort of other emotion.

Y/N-"trust me"

He obeys .

The lamp was placed under the table, I picked it up while also getting some confused whines from my boyfriend. 

I placed the lamp on the inside of our palace . One last step .

I turned the lights of . ..

The only light in the room was the very faint Tokyo street light shining in through the windows. Until I turned the lamp on. A mix of colors explored the whole room

I turned to him. Took his hands in mine and led him to a seat inside our little house. .

S-"can I open my eyes now "


He opened his eyes , it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the new lighting but once they did he was  mesmerized by the various colors pasted on the otherwise rather plain walls.


I smiled at him , he looked back at me ,which made me nervous. I don't usually smile like this around anyone , but he always made me break the bank slate that is my face.

He looked straight into my eyes .

S-"now it's your turn"

Obviously confused by his sentence. He carried on .

S-"your turn ,close your eyes"

I did as he said . Nervous to be around someone and trust them.

But I did it anyway.

My thoughts and paranoia instantly vanished when I felt pressure on my lips. The sensation was brought on my his lips upon mine. A feeling like no other.

Slightly warm.

He pulled away , our faces inches apart.

By this point my eyes wide open.

S-"I love you , Y/N"

The light from our little shining object on the table shone with different colors on his face .

I never thought I could say these words back , but something broke inside me .

Y/N-"I.. I love you to"

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now