Noboru (smut)

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I was working in the small cafe as I normally do on a Saturday night . It's not much money but it's all I have and I'd take anything at this point.

I've been working here for a couple months now and there are a few regular customers. The Kizagawa elderly couple who get a muffin to share  , Nakata who always gets a small earl grey tea , Hatsuki the small lady who gets a small latte and dango to go . And.... Him.

He always stood out to me , he looks inncoent but there is something about him that screams something more should I say this.... sinister.

Whatever he is , he's interested me and that never happens. His face looks so defined and his features should be framed and put in a museum.

Speaking of Noboru , he usually gets to the cafe at around the time it is now and I don't know by but the anticipation is killing me. Every time the bell above the door rings signalling someone has entered I try not to make my head turn round so obviously fast but I can't help it.

Ring....not him

Ring....still not him....

Ring. ..... "Hello may I take your order"......still not him tho

Ring..... probably not hi-

My head turned once again to face the stunning man walking through that door following his every step intensely until he gets to the counter And I realize I'm staring.

N-"sorry I'm late I had business , did you miss me at least?"
He said it jokingly but It still caught me off guard. Is it that obvious  that I'm practically drooling over him?

N-"Y/N! Is there something on my face or-"

I snapped out of it

Y/N-"uhh no not at all"

Uhhhggg that doesn't even make sense Y/N why would you say that your so stupid....

He raises an eyebrow at me as if he knows what I'm thinking, the way his eyes look at me I wouldn't be surprised if he can see my soul no doubt he can read minds.

He leans over the counter just so that I could hear what he was saying.

N-"you know , you've been serving me the drink for too long now , how about I repay the favour . Unfortunately I don't have a coffee shop but my house should work just as well...."

N-"what time does your shift end" when he finished his words he leaned back so he was standing normally.

Was he f-flirting... No...not with me .... I'm dreaming.

Y/N-"me , your house?"

N-"only if you want" he said with a beautiful charm.

Y/N-"well....." I contemplated weather or not u should go to a stranger's house , especially someone as mysterious as him but I couldn't resist.

I sighed and looked up at him
And gave a small smile .

Y/N-"my shift ends soon but there aren't any customers ,I'll just have to lock up how does that sounds?

He smiled

Noboru P0V:
I'm surprised she actually wants to follow me , such a beautiful lady who is way out of my league . She starts to secure the building and I can't help but look at her every movement , savouring every moment my eyes see her.

We were walking , and talking , and laughing . I feel closer to him in the few minutes I've spent walking with him then I ever did when he would order from me. Before I knew it we arrived to his house , it wasn't much but it was still bigger than my tiny apartment.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now