Ranmura × Rocky (smut)

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They were supposed to hate each other .

So why don't they?


It was dark

There was an alleyway leading to nothingness between all the hidden areas. It was a maze behind the old shops and houses in this part of Japan.

Two powerfull gang leaders stood apart from each other. Alone.

No one to hear them scream.

Ranmura-"you actually showed up"

He said coldly,  looking at something beyond Rocky but nothing in particular

Rocky-"you haven't won , not yet"

Ranmura smirked.

Rocky-"if you kill me today , I wouldn't care" hesaid looking down.

He looked up, locking eyes with the slightly taller man.

Rocky-"but just know , you can never have s.w.o.r.d"

He pointed his finger at ranmura and then brought his hand down

Ranmura-" I admire your confidence "

He walked closer to the man dressed in clean , flawless white.

They were now face to face

Ranmura-"even if it is just stupidity "

Smirking his last words , they came out as a scoff. 

The brown haired male raised his arm and drove his   fist down with immense force aiming directly at Rocky's jaw .

When his fist collided a sickening crunch could be heard.

Rocky pov

I fell backwards but managed to stay on my feet , the punch was harder than I thought.

I straightened my posture and ran towards him aiming to punch but knowing I would miss, when he ducked out of the way I was prepared to slam my fist into his face in the position he reeled away to. 


The blow connected and he was left clutching his face with his hand.

He smiled eerily. 

Ranmura-"i guess , we're even"

He released his hold on his jaw and stumbled towards me , firing another angry blow at me which I dodged with ease by moving to the right.

He was looking at where I previously was prior to his missed attempt at attacking me , I took this opportunity to grab his shoulders and puch them down. Bending him over so i could drive my knee right up his jaw.

Ranmura-"fuck!" He exclaimed,  backing away from my knee drive.

His eyes were filled with anger.

He ran upto me and grabbed my collar pulling me close to him and pushed me up against the wall.

His hands wrapped around my neck in an attempt to choke me.

I grabbed his strong arms , struggling to remove them.

Sensing it was a bad position to be in he decided to quickly snake an arm around my neck , pulling me down to his knee as the other arm secured my place in his chokehold.

I gripped his bicep and tried to pull him off because I was slowly loosing breath.

It was proven that my hands were useless against the tight grip he has around my neck , so I maneuvered my leg behind his and in one movement, kicking it out beneath him causing him to fall onto one knee and letting go of his hold.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now