Masaki Amamiya (smut)

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I didn't know the time

But it was late at night

I was sitting on table infront of a small TV inside my small house. I didn't have much furniture so I had to use whatever I had.

My lit cigarette was almost burned out, but they're expensive these days so I try to keep it as long as I can. Even if it burns the tips of my fingers.

Y/N-"ow you bastard" I said to the cigarette in my hand as it burned my flesh.

The TV was creating a small amount of light which illuminated me in the dark room.

I was sitting crossed legged. My tight white vest and my black sweatpants were covering me.

My phone has been ringing for the past 2 hours on and off however if it was closer I would've picked up , but alas , it was too far away.

There was a beer bottle in my left hand which was probably my 2nd today....just kidding.

I laughed out loud and took another sip.

Just then , there was a knock on my door.

I sat there silently.

??-"Y/N I know your in there , open up its me"

I smiled knowing it was Masaki. But I stayed sat down.

Y/N-"its open!" I shouted

The doorknob tries to moves.

I laughed knowing it was locked.

Y/N-"im just fucking with you  , one sec"  I laughed slightly

M-"thats not funny"

I opened the door

Y/N-"i laughed"

He walked in and I closed the door behind him

Y/N-"what do you want anyway"

I walked to my kitchen and grabbed an already open bottle of Saki and poured it into a small shot glass.

M-"I have a job for you"

Y/N-"no shit"
I took the shot 

Y/N-"what's the job then"

He walks closer to me , then pulls out a small USB stick.

M-"i need you to open this for me , it seems to be password protected "

I took a look at it.

M-"its from the Kamizono family, dangerous shit"

Y/N-"so you came to me?"

M-"i didn't know who else to go to"

Y/N-"fine , I can open it" 

Masaki pov
I looked round her house, it was dark except for the TV light . But I could tell it was messy. There was a cigarette packed next to a beer bottle.

It smelled like a house party but I know for a fact that only one person is ever in this house.

She was inspecting the USB , I don't know why.

She put it on the desk next to her computer and powered it on.

Her gaze looked around the room , then settled on another cigarette packet.

I never liked her smoking , I always told her it was bad but nothing I said ever got through to her.

M-"Put the cigarette down , just this once hey?"

She chuckled
But she found nothing funny.

Her fingers flicked the switch of the lighter but to no avail. The thing was broken. Progressively getting more angry at the lighters defiance to work she said.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now