Rao (smut)

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Its a long one but worth it trust me (;

Y/N pov

I woke up again in a cold sweat

Not something most people get used to , however this has happened every single night to me ever since it happened back then....

The nightmares of that day scorch my mind deeply , to the point where I havnt had a decent night sleep for years and years.

But I got used to it

Some things I also got used to over the years are ; being alone , flashbacks , being ignored , sleepless nights , being utterly numb and being unloved.

Ever since that day....

Your probably wondering what happened right?

I got up from the motel bed i had been sleeping on , began to change into my school clothes which were screwed up in my bag and the creased lines of the fabric were particularly visible today, but I dont mind.

Lying in my bedside table was the cigarette that I didn't finish last night.
Almost like a reflex , I got my lighter and heard the familiar 'flick' of the little spark . I watched as the end of the paper was slightly set alight and once it was I put it up to my mouth.

Y/N flashback pov (she's 10 here)

I tried not to think about the pain scattered across my body .

My arms , my head , my legs , my nose , my fingers and mouth.

The blood was gushing out of somewhere on my head , covering my vision in scarlett and stinging my eyes through the tears , but I couldn't quite place where it was coming from.

The best I could do to get away from the attacker was to crawl backwards using my broken little arms to haul myself across the marble kitchen floor , horrified by the trail of crimson left behind from my small body.

I don't know who these men are , and why they hurt me and my friends .

My 10 year old mind couldn't understand why Nami (my best friend ) was laying down on the floor , eyes wide open but not blinking. I couldn't understand why the blood coming out of her mouth seemed to be all clumpy and dark red , different to mine. I couldn't understand why ' no matter how many times I screamed her name , screamed for her to wake up and run, that she wouldn't respond........

But now , I don't understand why she sacrificed herself for me.

As the nasty older men laughed at her broken body on the floor , through my glassy eyes I could see a figure behind him standing in the doorway.

I chocked on my breath with relief when my slightly older friend named Mario was standing there. Staring at me and Nami

I felt relief, he would save me , he's strong and cares about me .

I mouthed to him "help" which was all the words my mind could think of...

He stood there , still stationery

So I mouthed again, this time a strained crack of a voice came out. But yet he didn't move.

After thoes nasty men were done laughing , they set their focus on me again.

Whilst coming towards me , I mouthed once again.


But yet, he didn't just stand there. ..

He slowly backed out of the door frame , shocked and scared...

I could no longer see him , and closed my eyes ... accepting... that I had been left...

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now