Cobra (smut)

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I was sitting  in my apartment balcony  . The time was 12:30 and I couldn't sleep
So I lit my cigarette and slowly destroy  my breathing  but its okay..

The fact i couldn't sleep wasn't helped by how the new neighbours next door were always partying and playing obnoxiously loud music . Was it because I didn't give them a house warming  gift.

Y/N-sorry ,that's just my personality

Another song started playing on the speaker next door. I recognised  the song . I started humming along to it and started laughing  out loud about how sad this may look to someone  else. A lonely girl sitting  on the balcony with dimly lit lights smoking a cigarette while humming a song from the party next door that she wasn't  even invited to .

Just as my eyes started drifting off.  The music woke me up again. 

Y/N-"For fuck sake turn that shit down"
I said quietly to myself knowing they wouldn't  be able to hear me anyway.

I slowly got up from my position and decided to tell them to shut up. I scare most people off, it can't be that hard to drive these ones away can it?

My eyes felt heavy as I was walking towards my door which didn't take long because  my apartment  is so small.

I didn't even care that I was wearing  my old clothes its not like I was trying  to impress  anyone  in fact it might help if they thought I was a little crazy. My clothes smelled slightly of alcohol and had a few cigarette burns but I didn't  care.

i opened my door and I immediately  heard the music almost five times louder

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i opened my door and I immediately  heard the music almost five times louder.

I got to the door which was decorated with random stickers and writing and the random marks from the previous owners.

I could smell drinking and smoking from where I stood.

I breathed in deep and put my cigarette  out and flicked it into the fake plant they had next to the door.

*Knock knock *


I did it harder

*knock knock* 

Still nothing

*knock knoc-

My hand was left up in the air when someone opened the door. 

I quickly removed my hand.

???-"0h hey there .. are you coming  to the party sweetheart " he smiled at me grossly showing me some fake gold teeth. He smelled like tequila.

Y/N-"fuck no , I'm telling  you to turn the music down " I said coldly.

???-"haha , really  is that it" he said while smiling and leaning  on the door for support because  he looked so drunk he was about to fall over.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now