Yasushi (smut)

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Yasushi pov

I was watching her almost the whole night , almost like every other second I found my eyes resting on her once more.

I tried to stop myself , its not like she was the only person in the room or that she was even making the most noise or anything like that

I just found myself looking at her , admiring her every feature. Her enchanting eyes , soft black hair , her unique smile and most notably the way her face lit up whenever she laughed.

"She is truly stunning " - I thought to myself as I once again found myself looking at her.

Y/N pov

I was hanging out with two of my best friends , Yasushi and Kiyoshi who just so happen to be brothers.

We were sitting on the floor of their shared apartment , playing random video games , watching junk on TV , talking about stupid things . But I've genuinely never felt as comfortable in my whole life than when I'm with them.

Y/N-"Kiyoshi stop killing me you fuckface !"

I screamed at him, as he kept spawn killing me in Call of duty. Its not like it mattered anyway , I just didn't like letting him win. He was always so smug about it , dancing about the room acting like he's better than me just for spending more time infront of the computer screen in order to beat me.

Kiyoshi-"Stop letting me kill you first !"

He said like a smartass as he yet again killed me in the same spot I spawned from .

Y/N-"fuck this"

I gently threw the controller down after the probably 27th time he killed me.

He laughed and looked at me with a mocking "pout" on his face

Kiyoshi-"aww did somebody just rage quit"

I put my hand on his face and moved it to the side , although my hand was so much smaller than him that it didn't even make a difference

He just laughed even more and started to mimick the actions of a crying baby, putting his hands up to his face in order to mime wiping his tears away.

I moved my face right in front of his and said calmly , in one tone and seriously

Y/N-"fuck you Kiyoshi "

And leaned back , putting my middle finger up to him in the process.

After all of that , we know it was just a joke. You see , we are the type of friends who get a laugh out of being shitty to one another. But its what I love about them

Speaking off, I noticed Yasushi hadn't spoken in a while so I looked over to him on my right . To my suprise I saw him already looking at me, our eyes locked for a moment and I took this time to wonder what on earth he could have been thinking about as it seemed he wasn't even listening the conversation

Noticing this , kiyoshi said.

Kiyoshi-" hey bro why don't you play a game with Y/N"

He snaps out of whatever thoughts he was having to look at his brother.

Kiyoshi-"dont worry, she's easy. Plays like a 4 year old and all"
He laughed.

I shot him a death stare

Y/N-"hold up you you moron , what makes you think I'm staying any later than this"

I raised my eyebrow at him

He looked at his watch and noticing the time , said

Kiyoshi-"shit, your right. You better get back before the storm gets any worse. I mean , you wouldn't want to have to stay here would you -"

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now