Smokey (smut)

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I thought as I wondered around the streets , limping after that fight.

I was grasping my hand where it was sliced open at some point in that time

It was bleeding into my other hand no matter how much pressure I put on it.

I was breathing heavily,  and my vision was going blurry.

I smiled through a bruised face

Is this really how I die ?, I thought

If I lived or died what would it matter

I started laughing as I sat down on the sidewalk .

I removed my shaky hand from my injury, from the amount of blood it was hard to tell which hand was cut

I looked down and squinted at the pain

I chuckled once more.

I was about to close my eyes and lie back on the floor and let all my worries flow away like the increasing amount of blood flowing out of my hand.


I heard someone say , then fast footsteps coming towards me.

I opened one eye

Only because I recognised the voice.

When I opened it I saw the familiar but blury face of smokey

I smiled at him shakily

Y/N-"heeeyy buddy..."

He put his arm around my shoulder  and pulled me up closer to his chest

He looked down , concerned or idk it was blury, because of the blood now transfered from me to him

Smokey-"shit Y/N what happened!"

He shouted while bringing me onto my feet

Y/N-"i stole someone's lunch money and they got angry at me"

I smiled at my own joke.

Sensing he wasn't going to get a straight answer out of me ,he didn't say another word and simply pulled me in the direction he wanted us to go in

Y/N-"hey! I can walk you know"

I said pulling away , only to be immediately pulled back into his embrace

Smokey-"but when I found you , you were lying on the side bleeding out"

Y/N-"i was hardly dying "

Smokey-"just shut up"

Eventually we arrived in nameless City

He looked down at me worried

Smokey-"shit you look pale"

He said sadly

We walked into a building where there was a few tables and chairs however you could barely call it livable in

He put me down on a chair and immediately went to collect some supplies.

He came back quickly

Smokey-"give me your hand"

Y/N-"its not a big deal"

He huffed and grabbed my arm pulling my hand onto the table.

He turned it over to inspect the wound.

Smokey-"it might hurt"

He started by cleaning the blood around it with a cotton towel , carefully trying not to hurt me.

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now