Kizzy x Kaito (smut)

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Fuck it why not

I will get round to the other requests btw (sorry its taking so long)

Kizzy pov

It was a normal day , well normal enough. Rocky was out somewhere with a few others but it obviously wasn't important as he would of ordered us to come with him.

The club was slightly more empty but still lively. 

I walked out of the headquarters only to be blinded by white light but nothing different from any other day.

I wanted to find Kaito , my best friend . He's usually leaning over the banister looking out over the crowd. I know he isn't watching all the women dance though.

I found him , he's hard to miss over crowds because of his tall frame.

I watched him for a second before sneaking up behind him and linking arms.

He didn't seem Suprised at all. It was usual for me to invade his personal space like this.

Kaito-"i was just wondering where you were"

He looked down at me to the side of him

Kizzy-"well know you know" I smiled up at him

Kizzy-"hey um,what are you doing after this?"

He looked back over the crowd.


I was about to say something

Katio-"im guessing you wanna hang out" he smiled at me

I was about to say something again

Kaito-"my place or yours"

I was about to say something but I was cut of once again .by this point I knew he was just trying to annoy me.

Kaito-"lets go to mine"

I removed my arm from him and crossed them on my chest. Slightly pouting.

He laughed.

Kaito-"aww I love that I can annoy you so easily" he said while squishing my cheeks.

I grabbed his hands in a silly attempt to get them of from teasing me, but he came forward.

Kaito-"its cute" he whispered in my ear .

He stayed there for a few seconds ,looking down at my neck and breathing on it.

He let go of me and moved back.

He started walking away while smiling.

Kaito-"im gonna get a drink

He looked back at me ,still flustered

Kaito-"you coming?"

He turned back knowing that i would follow him. 

We went to a small empty room, furnished with white leather like everything else in this place.

There was a bottle of random Saki on the table which Kaito had already poured a shot from.

Kaito-"you want one" he said and took the shot , slightly wincing at the sensation of burning at the back of his throat. I know something else that could give him tha-

Kaito-"Kizzy! Earth to Kizzy"

I realised he had been talking this whole time

I think he asked if I wanted a shot

I chuckled and sat on the couch

Kizzy-"you know I only drink on special occasions "

He sat down beside me

high and low (Smut+Fluff One shot)Where stories live. Discover now