Murayama Yoshiki (smut)

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(I'm sorry for not posting for a while , I love you guys stay safe. Also it really means a lot that people have follow me so thanks you very much 😊)

Murayama was my boyfriend of almost a year now. I knew he was in a gang but in this part of Japan , almost everyone is. I was even in a gang! Murayama sometimes gets into fights he can't win and gets really hurt , it's hurts me to see him like this because i know that he's in pain . For example , today he came back with a bruised lip and said he couldn't move his arms without extreme agony.

Murayama was sitting on the couch , feeling sad because he didn't win . He thinks I won't like him if he doesn't win a fight. .

Y/N-"baby , there's no need to be sad (I walked up to him and sat next to him on the sofa , softly playing with his hair while admiring his beauty)

Y/N-"just go take a shower and we can go out to eat or I can make you ramen here"

He looked at me through the corner of his eye .

M-"I c..- uh nevermind"

Y/N-"what's wrong" I looked at him worriedly and he could tell because I stopped playing with his hair and sat up straight to look at him.

M-"it's nothing ,really"

Y/N-"I'm not dumb I know when your lie to me"

M-"'s.. pathetic"

I put my hand on his cheek and said

Y/N-"theres nothing pathetic about you Murayama , please tell me"

I took my hand of and looked at him in the eyes.

M-" hurts to much to shower , my arms....(he sighs)

Y/N-"hey , don't be embarrassed  " I said in a soft tone to make him feel more comfortable .

Y/N-"I have an idea"

He looked at me slowly , his eyes widened slightly with curious .

Y/N-"follow me" I said as I got up and helped him up. He groaned at the movement but I still pulled him to the bathroom.

M-"what are we doing here?"
He looked at me

Y/N-"if you need help showering then I will help"
I said innocently  while giving him a little smile.

M-"Y/N don't have to really it's fine"

Y/N-"I know but I want to help"

Before he could say anything else I reached behind him and turned the shower on . When I leaned back into the position I was in before 

I smiled at him.

Y/N-" get changed I'll get a towel "

I went outside the door and reached for his towel in the cubbord.

When I entered the bathroom I saw him struggle with taking his shirt off.

I went up behind him and Ran my fingers lightly across his chest before tugging gently on the fabric pulling it effortlessly over his head.

M pov
Oh god.
The way her fingers traced my stomach made me feel light. I was so lucky to have a girlfriend as great as her.

I turned around to face the beautiful lady in front of me. She was smiling sweetly.

I looked at his eyes and leaned up so I was practically at his level.

Y/N-" you can't shower with
Sweatpants on , or do you need me to help with that to" I gave him an eyebrow .

He seemed distracted in my presence so quickly I grabbed the hem of his sweatpants and slowly brought them down while never breaking eye contact.

I could see him gulp but he wasn't stopping my bold move.

He stepped into the shower even though he had boxers on but they would inevitably come off 😉


I put some soap on my hands and began massaging it gently into his scalp from behind. To be honest ,the bruises on his body looked unbearable so understandably he was in pain.

I started rubbing harder on his head making him lean his head back to maximize pressure . Suddenly he let out a moan. I smirked and leaned closer to his shoulder so he could feel my breath on his back.

I finished upon his hair so I put more soap on my hands.

I placed my hands lightly on his shoulders and slowly began proceeding downwards towards his pecks . My hands started rubbing circles around the piece of flesh until I brought one cheeky finger over his nipple . He let out a little whimper.

I dangerously moved my hands down his body , down his abs , tingling down his v-libe until I reached his boxers. 

M-"Y/N" his voice was barely audible because he was seeking in a low whisper.

Y/N-"say that again I didn't hear you" I teased in his ear .

Just before he was about to answer I shoved my hand where he so desperately wanted. I hardly even touched the tip when he let out a very much audible husky moan.

My slender fingers traced over all of him until finally wrapping around the bottom. First I started moving slowly earning low groans of pleasure as he pushed his head back slightly.

But as my strokes got faster his hips started thrusting forwards trying to gain more friction.

The sound of my hand sliding up and down his member was getting louder as he was nearing the end of the experience.

I leaned up exactly to where his ear was.

Y/N-"are you glad to can't move your arms now daddy?"

I breathed on his wet neck. Cheekily I licked a stripe down his neck just as his last thrust released his load onto my hand.

Immediately he was sent forwards , panting and sweating.

Probably the best "shower" he's had in a long time.....

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