Chapter 7, Year 3

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November 6th, 1993


Daphne did the finishing touches on my makeup, I applied some lipgloss, and had her put my necklace on me. Her fingers were cold, and they sent shivers down my spine. "I'm telling you, I see the way he looks at you." Said Daphne.

I grabbed my purse ignoring her comment, and put some lip balm and perfume in it, along with some money. I kicked on my heels and walked out the door downstairs into the common room, music was blaring and it was hot.

I said hello to Draco, and sat on the couch. He sat next to me, and began talking, he sounded sober. Everyone else seemed very drunk.

Daphne came up to me, holding a glass of some sort of drink. "It's called Dragon Scotch! Try it!!" she was in a very good mood, but I wasn't just gonna drink anything. "I'm good Daphne, really!" I said, then she looked at me and gave me an innocent stare so I get back and gulped it down, it burned my throat, I felt like my body was on fire.

I stated going around talking to everyone and partying. I was a dancing and shouting with Blaise, screaming at the top of our longs. They were playing our favorite songs, and everyone was getting drunk.

I saw Draco in the corner, he was talking to some random first year, he looked scared. I think Draco was helping him out. Wow, Draco looked good. I was about to go over and talk to him, but Pansy stopped me. "Heyyyyyyy" she held onto her letters, slurring her words. "Wanna play truth or dare?" I agreed and sat down with her and some other Slytherin students.

"Hey Lilith, truth or dare?" I was surprised they had asked me, so I said truth. Pansy than began asking the question, "Do you fancy anyone?" She asked still messing up her words. It came out before I could think about it, "Well, Malfoy is hot as hell, I think we can all agree?" Pansy then began talking, "I know right who wouldn't want him?" She agreed. I didn't think about how he could be listening.

I got up and went over to the table with all the drinks and poured myself a glass of champagne, it spilled over the side a little. Draco came up to me, "Hey Lilith have you seen Blaise?" he asked me. I responded, "Haha, Blaise that's a funny name" I said laughing at him holding my drink with only two fingers and letting it spill over the side as I continued to take sips of it. I dragged my fingers down his chest, then said, "Your eyes are so beautiful. I've always adored them, ever since the beginning of this year, I've always had a thing for you." He looked at me, completely in shock. "Lilith don't do this, you don't mean what you're saying" Draco said in anger. "Don't lie to me and tell me that you love me, you're drunk you don't mean it." I replied to him, slurring my words as I spoke. "No Draco, I've seen the way you look at me. I look at you the same, I've always had an interest in you." He didn't answer.

Draco then looked at me, his stare piercing into mine, then he cleared his throat and said, "Are you serious? Lili? Hello?" I wasn't answering him, I was in my own little world.

I giggled and put my drink down, "Catch me if you can!" I shouted, then unbuckled my strappy heels, and left them on the ground. Then without thinking, I ran up the stairs through the hallway, surprisingly passing Filch and his cat all the way up to the astronomy tower.

The cool November air felt great on my warm skin. I was laughing and shouting, then I sat down and dangled my feet off the side of the tower, adrenaline filling my bones, I felt like I could take over the world. Well that was until Draco came.

"You!" he shouted gasping for air, "I ran after you, all the way up the hallway. You could've gotten caught and the party would've gotten busted." I was distracted, looking at the stars, "Are you listen-" he asked me, but before he could finish I began talking about the stars, "Hey look! That's the Big Dipper and that's the-" he cut me off, "And that's the Little Dipper, I know, you've told me before, come on, up you go." He said then grabbed my waist and scooped me up, holding me like I was some sort of bride.

"Malfoy! Put me down!" I shouted at him and he brought his finger to my lip, "Shhh, be quiet let's not get caught." He said and smiled at me, "I prefer you sober, you aren't as honest. You're the only person who could make me feel this way." before he could continue to rack me, I did the unthinkable and looked up at him and kissed him to shut him up. Our lips locked for a good minute there, and then I blacked out in his arms.

I woke up in my bed, in a T-shirt, my makeup taken off for me. I looked in the mirror and my hair was once again a mess and I had a huge headache. I slipped on some shorts, weirdly the shirt smelled like Draco. That's when it hit me, all the memories of the events came flooding back. Panic filled me, he had seen me naked? That wasn't exactly desirable. I looked on Daphne's bed to see she left me a note. "Out with some friends, be back later." I checked the clock, it was 11:27 am. I had missed breakfast.

I dragged myself out of my room to the only person I could think of to help me, even though I didn't want to go to him. I went over to his room sneaking up the ladder the Slytherins put up, so we could go to the opposing genders dormitories.

Then I knocked on his door, "Draco hey-" I said to him. He opened the door, and invited me in. He looked really happy, I wasn't really sure about what I had said last night. I liked him, but I couldn't just give in like that.

"You were acting crazy last night, I chased you down to the astronomy tower and-" I cut him off, "I remember" I said harshly. He then looked at me 8n the eye and said, "Really, do you remember when you kissed me?" He smirked. "Or when you were telling Parkinson how hot I was and how irresistible I am." He said laughing. "You must've been really out of it. Nice shirt by the way, nice seeing you without a br-" he continued to ramble on, I wasn't listening, but I managed to croak out, "Grab me some pain relievers." He handed them to me and I thanked him and walked out, leaving him confused.

But me, I felt a wave a sadness wash over me like a tsunami. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Love makes you do crazy things. I thought in the back of my head, that's something that Daphne told me. Did it really mean nothing to him? I was shocked. I thought he liked me, but I was so, so stupid. I was just another girl who fell for Draco's game. In a day he'll be running back to Pansy, or some random Blonde girl he doesn't care about. I couldn't let Draco in if he was going to hurt me.

Deepest Regrets,
Lilith Sage

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