Chapter 4, Year 3

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October 31st, 1993

Draco and I left ready to head to Hogsmeade. We followed the crowd, and he asked me where I wanted to go first. "Maybe three broomsticks?" I told him.

We headed towards three broomsticks and got a booth. I saw three people in sunglasses, wearing blonde wigs, big puffy coats, and heels sitting behind us. One pulled down their sunglasses and winked, it was Theo.

That only meant one thing, my friends were watching us, I couldn't embarrass myself. He turned around and whispered to me, "Those people are dressed awfully strange aren't they?" I nodded my head in agreement, trying to hide my slight smirk
knowing it was Daphne, Blaise, and Theo.

A Witch came around to take our order. "Two butter beers please?" said Draco politely. He began talking with me, "So, how was it, what was it like without me  around" he said playfully. Two butter beers were brought to us and I stirred mine giving him a menacing stare, quickly followed with a grin. "It wasn't bad at all, so much quieter- oh please don't tell your father!" I joked. He gave me a small shove and I gave him one back and I accidental knocked over the butter beer. The foamy liquid spilt all over the place, dripping off the table. He guzzled the rest of his, then left 10 Galleons and we ran outside still laughing.

"So much for butter beer!" He joked. We walked around peering into the shops, just looking through the store windows. I felt his fingers snake around my hand to grip it tight. I didn't say anything, it felt right, I felt safe with him. But we were just friends right, nothing more.

We saw a fence and a big pile of snow away from everyone, so we did what any person would do and decided to have a snowball fight. I saw three shadows behind a wall, I knew they were watching us.

He grabbed my waist to lift me over the fence and then he stepped over grinning. I got super warm when he touched me, I'm not sure why. He picked up one of the iced clusters and threw it at me hitting me in the shoulder. I threw one back, hitting him square in the jaw. He continued throwing them at me, I was out of breath and couldn't keep up.

I got tired,so I laid in the snow and began making a snow angel. He asked me what I was doing and then I explained to him how and he attempted to make one. His was a little lopsided, very much crooked, and large compared to mine, but it still counted- right?

We were looking up at the sky, and he taught me some constellations. He showed me the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper.

"To find it, look into the north sky up about one third of the way from the horizon to the top of the sky, which is called the zenith. The North Star is also called Polaris. The Big Dipper rotates around the North Star through all of the seasons and through the night." he said. "I didn't know you were that smart oooh" I teased him. I looked up staring into the night sky. I looked to my right and Draco had been staring at me, his eyes didn't move. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked. His face got a little pink, "No, no you don't." He said.

He stood up and brushed the snow off his body, then smiled down at me. I reached out my hand and he grabbed it to help me up. "We ought to get going it's late now isn't it?" He said.

It began snowing, the cold flurries hit my skin soft, but melting at my touch. We walked our sides touching, and our arms around each other's backs, truly the best way friends should hold each other. Our feet hit the stone bricks at the same time, walking in sync through Hogsmeade.

Owners of shops came out to light there lanterns, the square was full of shops big and small, all having a story behind each lit window. He took me into Zonkos, and he got me sugar quills, I didn't tell them that I don't really like candy.

The same hooded figures followed us around, Draco probably thought someone was trying to rob us.
"I swear if those old Hags keep following us I'm gonna..." he paused and fumbled in his pockets. "Draco what are you doing?" He pressed his wand to my lips to silence me. He stepped out of Zonkos, pulling me behind him, then flipped his pocket inside out and a wand tumbled out onto the ground. Then, holding out his wand he spun around shouting, "Appare Vestigium!". A yellow stream jittered and shot out of his wand. It covered the ground, it looked like Pixie Dust.

Footprints appeared, glowing yellow all across the street in Hogsmeade. "Merlins Beard!" Draco shouted in anger. "I reckon they're snatchers following us. Let's get out of here!" I pressed my lips together to hide my giggle, impressed that my friends fooled him.

I stood up on my tiptoes and pulled his hat off him, revealing his messy blonde hair. "Get back here Lilith!" he shouted, following me through the snow as I ran all the way back to the castle. He caught up to me and opened his mouth beginning to whine about how I messed up his hair, when a boy from Hufflepuff ran past us, I think his name was Neville. He lost his toad on the train our first year. He was shouting something, but I could barely hear it, muffled by the screams of other students. "Sirius Black attacked the Fat Lady!" he yelled.

Professor Snape came out, his black cloak swished behind him. "All students will be sleeping in the Great Hall, due to an attack on the Fat Lady." he was interrupted by a first year, "Sirius Black was in the castle!" he shouted. "Silence, of course unless you know how to organize this, Mr. Jenkins?" the boy sealed his mouth. "You may report back to your dormitories to gather your belongings."

Draco and I looked at each other, unsure of what was going to happen next.

Goodbye for now,
Lilith S.A.

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