Chapter 2, year 2

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October 31st, 1992

It was a typical dinner in the great hall, not much going on. Draco was ranting about how the quidditch game with potter went. Alongside me, we both got picked for seekers. Draco had brushed up on his skills and was proud to say we both made the team. Draco was complaining on, and on, about Harry.

The first time was when Gryffindor and Slytherin both had the field. He thought it was hilarious that Ron misfired the spell at himself. I felt bad, eat slugs is a terrible curse to have. I also was very angered after hearing Draco call Hermione a Mudblood. He knew better than to use that word, it was foul. But we got the field, so it was okay. I apologized to both Ron and Hermione. Hermione seemed very hurt, I apologized to her many times, simply out of empathy for her.

The second time was when Potter beat him in quidditch, Draco has a bad temper, because he kept yelling and yelling about how unfair it was, and how the referee favorited him. From the sidelines Daphne said it looked like a fair game. Not sure how Theo or Blaise fault, not that I cared. They had been jerks to Harry, Hermione, and Ronald. I guess you could say the Golden Trio. That ought to work. I distanced myself from them, but distancing myself from Draco was harder. He didn't seem to get that I didn't like what he says to my friends, and how he calls them names. Not to mention when Harry won in quidditch he claimed he was cheating, poor Harry lost bones in his arm!

Third was at the bookstore those summer when he mocked Harry, calling Ginny his girlfriend. I wasn't there then, as Draco went with only Lucius, I wouldn't have let that slide.

But this time, today, it was something different. We all ate dinner, as Draco rambled about how Potter opened the chamber of secrets, I didn't believe it was him. He continued speaking but I didn't hear much drowning him out. What had happened tonight was horrifying.

Harry was in the hallway, and he saw someone had petrified Filch's cat and everyone came running. There was blood on the wall, it spoke the words, "the chamber of secrets has been opened ...enemies of the heir, beware." That was scary. So being Draco, he assumed it was potter. I was a little skeptical about the whole situation, but I'm not sure.

Goodbye for now,
Lilith Sage

November 12th, 1992

Today Draco decided to idiotically participate in a dueling club. Potter started speaking parseltounge, a little scary if you do say. They both used spells they weren't allowed to, and Snape defeated Lockhart.

I thought that was hilarious.


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